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Anyway to use a bb tour for tether to iPad?


iPF Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
I just got a blackberry tour. Is it possible to hack it somehow to use it as a wifi tether?
I don't believe you can do anything but tether the BB. I don't see you being able to to tether (as in cable connect) to the iPad until there is a jailbreak for it.
I have a BB storm, the only thing I have come across is tether berry, and it's 50.00. You might want to take BB back and get a Droid. I'm hoping for an early upgrade coupon this fall from VZW
I have a BB storm, the only thing I have come across is tether berry, and it's 50.00. You might want to take BB back and get a Droid. I'm hoping for an early upgrade coupon this fall from VZW
I was looking at tether berry but it doesn't serve as a mobile hotspot. I think itz only good for a wired connection. Thanks anyway
As soon as my contract runs out I'm getting rid of my BB for a droid.
Hi guys, I successfully tethered the Ipad through my blackberry bold9000. But it can be done with other BB too as long as Bluetooth.

- first you need to Jailbreak your Ipad using spirit
- second you need to install from Cydia an App called Ibluever (5$) available in free demo to try.
- third you need to install Pda Net on your BB. This enables the Bluetooth Dun on the BB.

After those steps you need to check if the standard configuration works or if you need any specific Ibluever script customization.

it works great for me over Bluetooth..

Hi guys, I successfully tethered the Ipad through my blackberry bold9000. But it can be done with other BB too as long as Bluetooth.

- first you need to Jailbreak your Ipad using spirit
- second you need to install from Cydia an App called Ibluever (5$) available in free demo to try.
- third you need to install Pda Net on your BB. This enables the Bluetooth Dun on the BB.

After those steps you need to check if the standard configuration works or if you need any specific Ibluever script customization.

it works great for me over Bluetooth..


gianluca.pettiti probably has the most hastle free way of doing it.

another option would be to get one of cradlepoints devices that let you plug your blackberry into it and it then shares your blackberry internet over wifi hotspot. The problem is that these devices cost around $200
Worked well for me. The setup for Ibluever was a touch confusing....But I got it figured out. Speeds arent the greatest but for casual browsing it works well

I have a cradlepoint Phs300 and it works great to tether my iPad from my BB
9000. It is expensive but only $100, not $200. Maybe less than a new smartphone.
I have a bb 9700 and I tried the pdanet/ibluever tether, but I get caught up when my blackberry asks for the passkey to the iPad. I have no clue what it is (I have tried 0000), nor where to find it. Anyone have any ideas on how I can discover what the passkey is?

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