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Any thoughts on the .....


iPF Noob
Feb 13, 2010
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Toshiba Libretto W100 due out in august? Think it is going to knock the iPad off it's pedestal? It is a windows 7 dual touch screen device. Nice looking device , has a camera and USB ports , all the things people wish the iPad had. So......? Does not appear to be vapor hardware.
Will it sell three million units inside of three months?
I think we will see a repeat of the iPod and iPhone - there may be some devices which equal (or best) the iPad, but the brand name and image will still draw more to the Apple device.

For example, some of the current droid phones are equal to, if not better than the iPhone (3gs at least at this stage), but probably won't sell as many.

Anyhoo, as consumers, we win either way :)
I just checked out their site and not impreed with the Toshiba Libretto W100. I predict it does a belly flop within 30 days after release
When you are the first to bring a solid innovative product to the market place, you set the standard that all will be compared to. A very good place to be.
I think we will see a repeat of the iPod and iPhone - there may be some devices which equal (or best) the iPad, but the brand name and image will still draw more to the Apple device.

For example, some of the current droid phones are equal to, if not better than the iPhone (3gs at least at this stage), but probably won't sell as many.

Anyhoo, as consumers, we win either way :)


I have an Ipad and three touches. Many of my friends have at least one Iproduct. The truth is even if a product is better than an Iproduct it has an up hill battle. Witness the HTC Evo. The EVO should have stolen every bit of Apple's sparkle.
Lol, Evo - I have just ordered a Hero :) I cant afford a newer phone, mainly due to the fact that I just spent £430 on an iPad.

Still, it will be leaps and bounds better than my crappy Huawei p.o.s that i currently have! Shame I will have to get it rooted to tether to the pad tho. no clue how to even start doing that.
Toshiba Libretto W100 due out in august? Think it is going to knock the iPad off it's pedestal? It is a windows 7 dual touch screen device. Nice looking device , has a camera and USB ports , all the things people wish the iPad had. So......? Does not appear to be vapor hardware.

Sorry, I think that dual-screen clamshell design is stupid. I see nothing about that device that would tempt me away from my iPad.
The iPad will never be over taken. There may be competitors, but no one will compete with a me-too device. You cannot take on originality with a copycat. The only advantage would be a few features and cheaper price. Not to stifle competition, but until someone can develop a better OS, all the hardware will do little good.
Toshiba Libretto W100 due out in august? Think it is going to knock the iPad off it's pedestal? It is a windows 7 dual touch screen device. Nice looking device , has a camera and USB ports , all the things people wish the iPad had. So......? Does not appear to be vapor hardware.

Sorry, I think that dual-screen clamshell design is stupid. I see nothing about that device that would tempt me away from my iPad.

I agree. One of the things I like about a tablet is that there is no hinge like you have with a notebook. Much easier to carry around.
Its an interesting and creative idea. It wont sell 3 million regardless of how good or not it is because it doesn't have an apple logo on the back. Despite what you may have read, windows 7 can have a quick startup time and decent battery life, particularly when used with solid state drives instead of conventional hard drives (like the iPad). Its not instant-on, but I suppose you could write your OS to ROM and get that as well.

The bottom line is that we will just have to see when it comes out. I dont know about "knocking the iPad off its pedastal". Its a different kind of device and will probably hit a niche market that the iPad doesnt. It will have real windows, can run real MS Office apps, etc. Its more like a snazzy netbook than an internet appliance like th iPad. I forsee this slate form factor coming out in all kinds of flavors and specialized uses. I dont really care how any of them sell. I wont be shopping for anything like this for a while - I have new iPad.
The Toshiba Libretto is an interesting gadget but it performs a very different function from the iPad. The Libretto is after all still a netbook. Win 7 is not designed specifically for the touchscreen as opposed to iOS. The software developers will not specially develop touchscreen Win 7 software for the Libretto as well. Having a dual LCD screen will also mean that the battery life will suck (I believe battery life for the Libretto is about 3 hours). I doubt if the Libretto will be cheap, so it will remain a niche gadget. It will not pose to be a threat to the iPad for sure.

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