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An app to close down all applications at once?


iPF Noob
Aug 3, 2011
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I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I have just spent a considerable amount of time searching for a solution and could not come up with one.

I am looking for a way to close down at once for the iPad 1. Not to sound rude, but I am not looking for discussion about whether or not doing such a thing is necessary. I have done my own testing, and with the apps that I normally run, things run much more smoothly when I regularly close everything out.

All I want to know is if anyone knows of an app available from the U.S. store (I know one from the Indian store, but don't want to bother with that) that I can use to close down all applications at once. Thanks in advance!
Apple does not allow developers to provide that kind of functionality in their apps (and when features like this have sneaked through in the past, they have later been removed from the App Store). There is nothing currently available in the App Store which does this AFAIK.

If you really want this feature, I suggest you look into jailbreaking your device. You can then use a tweak such as "RemoveBackground" which does exactly what you want. If you want to know more, I suggest you visit our Hacking Section and read the stickies in there which provide all the necessary background information.

Hope that helps.
Thanks a lot for the informative and quick reply. I suspected this was the case. I'm not sure I'm ready to put up with the hassle of updates, etc. on a jail broken device, so I guess I will just live with it.
If what you're actually trying to do is to clear memory that is not being used and you feel that enhances performance, you can use Xsysinfo. It won't close apps that are running (e.g. audio) but I don't think that's what you're looking for. It will free memory that is otherwise occupied by suspended apps. I personally don't find it does much other than satisfy my OCD urges but I have an iPad 2. I suspect it might be more useful on the original iPad with half the available memory.
jsh1120 said:
If what you're actually trying to do is to clear memory that is not being used and you feel that enhances performance, you can use Xsysinfo. It won't close apps that are running (e.g. audio) but I don't think that's what you're looking for. It will free memory that is otherwise occupied by suspended apps. I personally don't find it does much other than satisfy my OCD urges but I have an iPad 2. I suspect it might be more useful on the original iPad with half the available memory.

I thought it was removed from the store? The devs were forced to rename the app and remove the feature AFAIK.
I thought it was removed from the store? The devs were forced to rename the app and remove the feature AFAIK.

Apologies. Apparently you're right since I cannot find it in the App Store any longer. It was removed at one point and then reinstated with a less obvious means to kill processes. Apparently, it has now disappeared, altogether.

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