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Airplay issue with new iPad and Modern Combat 3


iPF Noob
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
Has anyone here tried playing Modern Warfare 3 on the new iPad with AirPlay mirroring to Apple TV?

Whenever I try this the MC3 starts out full screen on the TV but then quickly ends up in a small Window in the bottom right of the TV. I tried a few other apps and they are full screen on the TV without any issues.
I haven't. But I already purchased it but haven't downloaded it on the iPad3 yet. Give me 15 minutes and I'll try it.
Yep. It doesn't work worth a sh1t. The between level video sequences are full screen. Actual gameplay drops to a tiny screen in the lower left corner of my TV. And even then it wouldn't respond worth a damn.

I'm not sure this is something that can be fixed with an update. It appears that the iPad just doesn't have enough power to push both displays at once.
XDRoX said:
Yep. It doesn't work worth a sh1t. The between level video sequences are full screen. Actual gameplay drops to a tiny screen in the lower left corner of my TV. And even then it wouldn't respond worth a damn.

I'm not sure this is something that can be fixed with an update. It appears that the iPad just doesn't have enough power to push both displays at once.

Thanks for confirming. I tried contacting Gameloft via email but got no response. Same goes for twitter. I finally got a response when I posted something on their Facebook page. They said they would submit the bug case and get in touch with me soon.

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