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Adobe flash player

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iPF Noob
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi everyone..i am new here and i want to watch movie online ( not on youtube) but it says there that i need to download adobe flash player... But adobe is not supported by apple.. Can anyone suggest me what shld i download so i can watch movie easily...thank you in advance:)
Hi I have the same problem too, I don't think there is a solution. It is a default issue of iPad, Kumar.
Just for the record this subject is very old and been discuss more than you wish to know. First this is no longer about an Apple issue as Flash will NO longer be developed or supported on ANY mobile platform by Adobe as they closed down the development. Yes they will provide limited security updates but understand no future tablets will support mobile flash and this includes the Android platform. The alternative is coming and as a user suggested there are many apps that can assist in accessing flash sites. The following answers all you need to know. Thanks again for joining and I hope this answer is helpfull

And, since this is a rather old topic - and the question has been asked and answered - this thread is closed.

Thanks for your understanding.

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