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activating Jailbroken Ipad 2 (HELP PLEASE)


iPF Noob
May 1, 2011
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I recently had my Ipad 2 jailbroken, I have this morning tried to install an app which prompted me to re-start my Ipad. I did this but now I cannot start the Ipad as the message `could not activate Ipad` and also says to try and connect to Itunes to activate this but when I try to connect my Ipad to Itunes, my computer says `unknown error occurred` with the code OxE8000065. So I cant switch ont he Ipad at all. Please could somebody help as i cannot switch on my Ipad. I took my Ipad for somebody to j.brake by the way so it wasn't done on my computer if this is any relevance. Than you in advance
U oh

I think you got a tethered jailbreak... Well restore your ipad and follow these instructions if your ios6. Go to my site MODERATOR EDIT: External link removed: against forum rules and click how to jailbreak... It will teach you how to jailbreak you ipad properly.
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For any tips about jailbreaking or restoring from that, you can't beat our own iPad Hacking forum, where you will learn all about it and get answers to your problems.
I have therefore moved this thread to iPad Hacking, where anyone interested in that is bound to get surer answers there. While there, take the time to read the informative Stickies.

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I did a tethered jailbreak by mistake on my iPod 3... It was a pain it worked at first but then it did a reboot and nothing worked anymore and Cydia crashed ever time I tried to open it.the app even turned grey. Once I figure out what I did I just googled untethed jailbreak and I restored my iPod... Works wonderful now! So take it back to you friend or try redo it ur self... Google and this page will help u out...
It would definitely help if you can provide us with the iOS of your iPad so we can narrow down the possibilities of the cause.
Thank you all for the replies. It is ISO 6. Ive not been able to look at the ipad due to working but I have a very unhappy 4 year old. Ooops. I should have time tomorrow to maybe look at the links but im not very technical, hooe its not too complicated. Thank you all again, I really appreciate your help
If I may add: you are now under a very tight window if you want to jail break that iPad. Apple has released iOS 6.1.3 - which is NOT jail breakable. It is only a matter of time before the window closes and the only iOS you will be able to install is iOS 6.1.3.

It sounds as if you need to restore the iPad with a "fresh" iOS in order to get it working properly. However, If you want to restore that iPad to iOS 6.1.2 in order to jail break it, you really need to do it NOW. As in, within the next few hours (and at that - it may already be too late).

See this link for the best way to get your iPad running iOS 6.1.2: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html (you can skip step #2).

If you follow all the steps exactly as written, you should end up with a stock iPad running iOS 6.1.2. Then, you can re-jail break it if you wish.

Again, I can't stress this enough. The upgrade to iOS 6.1.2 needs to happen now; tomorrow may be too late (if you want to jail break it). You can wait to jail break it - but the upgrade must be done soon.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

thank you Marilyn, Ill give it a try noe....wish me luck :eek:
I gave it a try and did everything that it said, thought it had done it then when the reboot had finished the message 'Could not be restored error 3194' :0 (
I gave it a try and did everything that it said, thought it had done it then when the reboot had finished the message 'Could not be restored error 3194' :0 (

That's because the window has closed you can no longer restore to 6.1.2. You can only restore to the 6.1.3 which will make you use your jailbreak.
Yep, odds are you were trying to load iOS 6.1.2, which was closed by Apple about 1/2 hour after I posted...

So - let's go back to the drawing board and see if we can save your current set-up/jail break (no harm - the worst that'll happen is that we can't and you have to upgrade to iOS 6.1.3 and lose the jailbreak).

So, to go all the way back to the very beginning - what specific iOS are you running on that iPad and can you operate it at all? Oh, and have you asked the person who jail broke it for you to help? If anyone knows what's going on with the iPad, it's that individual...

Haha, thank you maralyn and all the rest of you who posted a reply. I appreciate all your help very much. I took the ipad back to who jailbroke it this morning so hopefully fingers crossed I will have it back jailbroke. I just hope I can download apps without causing the same problem and wouldnt even know if its a dodgy app so I suppose my nexy posting will be the best and most trusted sites to download j.broken apps. Hehe
Well....my ipad has been corrupt and cannot be restored :0 (

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