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7 million iPads


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
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One analyst is saying he expects that Apple will sell 7 million copies in the first year. Considering Apple selling 1/2 million the first week, and possibly more the week of the 3G release, there is a good chance it is realistic.

Another poll showed that only five percent of those polled said that they were definitely interested n buying an iPad. A big win for the naysayers, right? There are 300 million + Americans. If 5% of the population buys, that is 15 million iPads and a whole lot more people in the rest of the world besides. No matter how you shake it, the iPad has a good deal of interest. And it is buying interest.
The current iPad craze is mostly a result of Apple's marketing machine. Unveiling it to the world on 1.27 and not releasing it until 4.03, and all in the interim decimating information about it to the media.

I suspect initially a lot of 3Gs will sell in the US and of course there will be wide spread demand internationally when the iPad is launched in the rest of the world. But by July the sales numbers will be way down. They are not going to be able to keep up the 500K per week number.
They do not need to maintain that rate of sales. Even if the total for April is only 1 million, that gives them almost 48 weeks to sell 6 million. That is only 125,000 a week. consider how many people will have this on their Christmas wish list, it is not hard to imagine.
They do not need to maintain that rate of sales. Even if the total for April is only 1 million, that gives them almost 48 weeks to sell 6 million. That is only 125,000 a week. consider how many people will have this on their Christmas wish list, it is not hard to imagine.

Christmas!?!? ack! I'll never make it that long. I'm crossing my fingers and wishing on every shooting star to get the iPad 3G as a Father's Day gift. :D

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