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64GB Model Usage


iPF Novice
Apr 28, 2011
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Now that most of us have had our new iPad for a week, I'm wondering, for those who have the 64GB model, how much free space you to have let?

Me: 19GB. I do have 4 episodes of Witchblade on here that total out to 6.4GB. Those are temp files. I have one album on here at the moment. Most space is used by Apps, but I do have 2 GB of data on here too. Several Magazines, Kindle books, lots of pics (photostream) & vids, and comics.

I wish Apple had introduced a 128GB model.

I've always been a storage hog, though. Don't even ask how many TBs of hdd space I have in my house. :)
I have two 64GBs, both nearly full with music, photos, movies, books.

I like having a lot of stuff on them just because I can, and there are times when I'm away from home for weeks or months.
I still have 24 GB free. But I'm not done yet, I still haven't put my music on it. :)

Sent from my iPhone 4S or iPad 3rd gen, whichever I happened to have in my hands at the time, using iPF.net
After over a year I still have lots of space on my Ipad2 64gb. With the new Ipad, I think I will need the space just for the larger size of photos. Ipad2 326KB's same photo on new Ipad 2.2MB's.
I have two 64GBs, both nearly full with music, photos, movies, books.

I like having a lot of stuff on them just because I can, and there are times when I'm away from home for weeks or months.

I'm pretty much the same too, why buy a 64gb if your never going to put lots of stuff on. TBH I was a little disapointed they didn't increase it to 128gb...lol

I have around 34 films installed, a few are quite long too at almost 3hrs, being retired we tend to have about 8 or 9 holidays a year plus a few short breaks so I like to keep a good collection of my fav films on it, and it's those that really take up the bulk of the space. and probably have about 150 songs installed too, but by comparison with the videos, they take up very little space, same with all my apps. I do have a few games installed including a couple largish ones which take a wee bit, but I still have around 15gb free.

For me, it's a bit like having my own personal film collection when we go away, well I suppose that's exactly what it is..lol.. As long as the user is not into storing lots of films or TV content then I suspect the smaller size ipads would be plenty, but for me personally I'd like to see even more memory..:)
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I have about 15 GB free. I'd have much less than that if I didn't have NetFlix.
I believe your usage depends on your iPad size and you will work around it now matter what. I had the 64G original and never used more than 32G. Bought the 32G on launch day and quickly got panic after filling it up to the rim within 3 days. Bought the 64G last Thursday and guess what, it's full again.

Some of the new games are really big.

Now I removed all the movies and music and use Air Playit/VLC for Streaming and File Explorer when I am home. Still have 30G left but I know how fast it could get filled up.
I had 64 gig with my first ipad. And didn't use all the memory. But it was nice to know I had it. And now I have 32 with the new ipad 3. And I'm going to exchange this one
For a 64 gig since I like having the extra room. I won't be in a rush to fill this one up but It will be cool to have it so I can put more apps over time and not worry about
Running out of room.
From a "I haven't bought an iPad yet" guy, I'm looking at buying a 64GB WiFi model. As I'm headed overseas for a year, my primary use of iPad will be books and movies (I'm also taking along my 64 GB iPhone 4S for music); that said, to maximize space (as once I leave I can't update/change what I have on iPad), does a 64 GB model seem like good move with focus being on movies? Although I know I get Retina Display, I'm thinking of only getting SD movies for now, in order to maximize number of movies I can take. Is it an accurate state that a SD movies takes approx 2 GB, and an HD movie takes approx 4 GB?
I think it is a good move. The size of the movies really depends on where you plan to get them. I assume you intend to get them from itunes rather than ripping your own. I rip my own and encode them down to 2GB or so. Also, I don't think you benefit from 1080p on an ipad until you are within a foot of the screen, so 720p should be the highest resolution to consider. However, I think iTunes will likely be pushing 1080p on people since that seems to be a selling point for many people (an utter waste on an iPad unless you plan to watch close up). You can of course delete a movie once you've watched and and download it again at a later date if you need to. But the 64GB will give you some extra room, but even a 16GB version will work.
Now we have a higher resolution 2080x1536 retina display, how many of you have re-ripped a few movies to take advantage of the better display ?

I just wondered.. I've only done 2 HD versions ripped at the full resolution for my iPad3, which I did from Bluray discs, and there is no doubting they look better as one would expect, but instead of the usual 1gb approx for a 2hr film the size increase is quite a lot at around 4Gb dependant on rip settings obviously. I think the increase in size is just too high a price to pay, as normal rips tend to look pretty good anyway on iPads, and while the HD rips look better, I certainly would'nt say they looked 4x better. Infact I would say they look about 30/35% better... so IOW not really viable.. JMO. I now just keep one HD movie on my iPad 3 now, for times when I want to show off the screen to someone..:) and it just happens to be my Favourite film too.

What's your thoughts..? will you be ripping movies at higher resolution, or not ?
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Lunar said:
Now we have a higher resolution 2080x1536 retina display, how many of you have re-ripped a few movies to take advantage of the better display ?

I just wondered.. I've only done 2 HD versions ripped at the full resolution for my iPad3, which I did from Bluray discs, and there is no doubting they look better as one would expect, but instead of the usual 1gb approx for a 2hr film the size increase is quite a lot at around 4Gb dependant on rip settings obviously. I think the increase in size is just too high a price to pay, as normal rips tend to look pretty good anyway on iPads, and while the HD rips look better, I certainly would'nt say they looked 4x better. Infact I would say they look about 30/35% better... so IOW not really viable.. JMO. I now just keep one HD movie on my iPad 3 now, for times when I want to show off the screen to someone..:) and it just happens to be my Favourite film too.

What's your thoughts..? will you be ripping movies at higher resolution, or not ?

Not worth it. Files too big, takes too long to transfer, longer to encode, and you need to be within a foot to see the benefit of the higher res. better to just rip to 720p.
Not worth it. Files too big, takes too long to transfer, longer to encode, and you need to be within a foot to see the benefit of the higher res. better to just rip to 720p.

Thats pretty much my conclusion too, ripping a 2hr film at 720x480 usually takes around 15 to 20mins, but ripping a Bluray takes a couple of hours+, and I have quite a fast PC too. The gain in pic quality is not worth a 4x increase in size and long rip times. Probably okay if you just want to keep a couple of films on the iPad, but I tend to put quite a lot on mine, so I for one will be sticking with standard sizes.

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