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5 Things the iPad needs for business


iPF Noob
Feb 7, 2010
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Interesting Macworld article, not so much for the statements in the article itself, but more so on the comments that follow which I agree with too.


You can read the article here listing the 5 things along with the comments below that article.

Let me know what you think, are you more in agreement with the articles author or the majority of the comments that follow?
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If I can get Chrome Browser on the iPad I would be happy

LOL. That's kind of funny, considering it doesn't even work well enough to use it to reserve an iPad for in store pick up. Nothing personal.

Since Chrome is based on the same engine as Safari, I'm wondering what benefit, if any, there would be to having it on the iPad... I just don't see the point.
If I can get Chrome Browser on the iPad I would be happy

LOL. That's kind of funny, considering it doesn't even work well enough to use it to reserve an iPad for in store pick up. Nothing personal.

Since Chrome is based on the same engine as Safari, I'm wondering what benefit, if any, there would be to having it on the iPad... I just don't see the point.

The same benefits that there are to having a browser other than IE on a Windows based PC. Having options promotes competition. Other the difference between Netscape and Firefox. They both used Mozilla right?
If I can get Chrome Browser on the iPad I would be happy

LOL. That's kind of funny, considering it doesn't even work well enough to use it to reserve an iPad for in store pick up. Nothing personal.

Since Chrome is based on the same engine as Safari, I'm wondering what benefit, if any, there would be to having it on the iPad... I just don't see the point.

umm actually it's the best browser available...I ordered my ipad without a problem using it...maybe people just need a better computer.

btw, is that chrome's problem or apple's website? Chrome has never had an issue with any website i've visited...and it is worlds faster than safari...

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