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iPF Noob
Mar 11, 2012
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I've lost my 3G -help! iPad only accesses web at home with my trusty Wi-fi.
I'm such a novice at this - any ideas?
Big thank you.
Do you normally have 3G at home? Either way, if you have a choice then WiFi at home is surely the way forward so you don't use up your data allowance on 3G?

I would suggest it's the network rather than your iPad surely? Could check the carrier settings are still on 'auto' as well.
I've been having difficulties too the 3G and signal just went and said searching for around 6-7 hours then comes back on by itself, I tried everything resetting the iPad, removing and replacing the sim card, and resetting network connections in general settings. Nothing worked and it appeared to be three mobile. But it is happening more frequently lately. I'm in Lincolnshire area if that helps. Usually I have a great full signal of 5 bars like now but I was sat in this exact same spot when the network went. I'm not sure what else it can be.

I've read on other threads lately people are having to reset their iPad 3's after connecting to a wifi connection to get it back on?

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