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Transferring files without wifi/3g or iTunes?


iPF Noob

I have the wi-fi iPad and my office doesn't have wi-fi in my section of the building and recently all Apple software on PC was banned. I have only the sync and charge cable to connect to my office XP computer.

Is there a way to transfer files to my iPad without using either wi-fi/3g or iTunes?

Specifically I want to transfer PDFs.

Any ideas?
The only option I can think of that MIGHT work, and I'm not sure about this as I don't have it yet, is through the camera connection kit. There is the off chance that you can shift the PDF's by way of the SD card adapter. But that's about the best I can recommend. Like I said, I haven't bought my adapter yet, so I can't tell you for sure that this will work.
I can connect my iPad to my nokia's 3G, but why would I do that to transfer a 2mb PDF? lol

Shame there isn't a quicker easier alternative through the cable.
This is kind of convoluted, but it will work. Get the Good Reader app. It does a great job of reading .pdf's and it only costs 99¢. Now set up and account at box.net. Its free. Now you can upload your files to box.net. Now on the Good Reader app, there is an option to select Connect to Server. When you select Add, you will see that box.net is one of the options. Once you enter your logon information, you should see all the stuff you uploaded to box.net.

Clear as much, eh?
That's interesting, but I already have dropbox and it's free!

But alas without wifi or 3g or transfer via the cable, I'm a little stuck
But alas without wifi or 3g or transfer via the cable, I'm a little stuck
Those are the only 3 ways I know of to get stuff on and off of an iPad. It does Bluetooth, but it won't work for transferring files... not at this point anyway. Sorry.
how about setting up your own WiFi connection between your ipad and your PC? $10 gets you a WiFi card for your PC (or get a USB/WiFi adapter). Then you can talk between PC and iPad with WiFi (or even share Internet, if you want...)

otherwise, it sounds like JB...
With no wifi/3g dropbox won't work as a transfer medium.

Now that we have no iTunes on the computers, that won't work as a transfer medium.

Can't plug in a wi-fi card into my work desktop, as that will cause a huge stink.

I remember seeing a link once to a USB flash drive that generated it's own WiFi, does anyone remember what that is?

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