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365 for used 32gb


iPF Noob
Mar 11, 2012
Reaction score
Good deal? It's from craigslist somewhat Gould I check to make sure it's legit
Hi wakeup...have you done a search here? Check this thread. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-2-forum/21731-downside-buying-craigslist.html This may give you some help in the right direction. Also this: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-2-forum/22367-how-much-should-i-sell-my-ipad-2-craigslist.html

Finally, I don't think we gave you the proper Welcome!

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you can get a brand new ipad 2 32 gig from bestbuy for 499. dont buy stuff like this from craigslist or ebay
Realistically m8, its up to you to decide if its a good deal or not based on your financial situation and your needs.

Having said that, Im personally wary of craigslist/ebay sales of expensive equipment. 1) you have no warranty/insurance to cover you if something happens and 2) theres a chance it might not be the product or condition listed.

Sent from The Droid... The one you were looking for...

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