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15.7 lock screen duration


iPad Fan
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
St. Louis, USA
Since updating my iPad Pro to iPadOS 15.7, the lock screen no longer goes back to sleep shortly after pressing the power button or plugging/unplugging the charge cable. It stays on for at least 8 minutes, the longest I've bothered to experiment, unless unlocked with the Home button or put back to sleep with the power button. Not a functional issue, just a strange bug that makes me wonder what else might be broken.
It's not that. It used to go black a minute or so after being poked, as long as I didn't unlock it.
Does it do the same thing whether it is plugged into power or on battery?

My lock screen goes black within a few seconds if I don't interact with it. I'm not in a good position to see what it does when plugged in.
No difference. My iPhone, on iOS 15.7, blanks itself after 5 seconds if not unlocked. Both devices are set to auto-lock after 5 minutes.
You've already powered the device completely off and on again, yes? I'm grasping at straws here.

Note: I did eventually test my iPad while plugged in, and as you say it only takes a few seconds for the screen to go black again.
Assuming a restart is not the solution, the only thing I can think of is Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPad > Reset > Reset All Settings. (Be careful what you chose from this menu. Don't carelessly tap the wrong item.)

This defaults many of the system settings and a few of Apple's first party apps. It does not erase anything or mess with your account. You do end up having to go back through settings and re-tweak things to the way you prefer them.

There have been a few times on the forum where this cleared invisible settings glitches that cropped up when updating, or just out of nowhere. Those problems were quite a while ago, but this is all I can think of for now.

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