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Transferring photos to iPad 3


iPF Noob
Apr 1, 2012
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I have just got the new iPad, never having used anything Apple before!
Can anyone help with transferring jpeg files from my home server??

Welcome to the wonderful world of iPad! You will enjoy it, I am sure. Create a folder on your desktop and within that folder create different folders if you wish to have your photos sorted into groups. Place your photos into their respective group folders and then attach the iPad to iTunes. When your device shows up in itunes, navigate to the heading Sync Photos and then again navigate to the folder you have on your desktop. Then sync! The photo album on your iPad will show the photos in their correct folders. When you get more comfortable with your iPad, you can purchase other photo sorting apps...I like Photomanager Pro, but there are others.

PS Sorry, I realize I am in the New Ipad forum...wishful thinking on my part, but I presume the process is the same?
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