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Thinking About Purchasing the iPad 2--Need Advice


iPF Noob
Jul 14, 2010
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Hi everyone,
So I have a dilemma, I own the iPad 1st Generation(32gb WiFi) and I would like to sell that one and get the iPad 2(On Craigslist the iPad 1 is going for about 380 bucks so that is what I would sell it for..any who, I want to sell it and get the iPad 2 White one(32gb Wifi) but I am concerned about the jailbreak for the iPad 2 and if it will be released anytime soon. I don't want to sell my iPad 1 just to find out that the iPad 2 cannot be jailbroken or won't be able to be jailbroken for many months..so I don't know what to do, sell my iPad now or wait til the jailbreak gets released(Or at least we find out more info about when it might get released) then put it on craigslist again. Any advice would be great, since I have no idea what I should do. I have seen the new iPad 2 and it looks AWESOME, just wish it was jailbroken
So I should keep the one that I Have and wait for the jailbreak to come out? That is what I was thinking of doing. If I knew a jailbreak was on the horizon maybe in a month or so I wouldn't mind waiting since I don't use my iPad much anyway, but the thought of it perhaps never being jailbroken and getting rid of mine which is jailbreakable just sounds crazy to me
The new iPad has been almost impossible to JB unfortunately.

If I had known that, I probably wouldn't have bought the one I did.
The new iPad has been almost impossible to JB unfortunately.

If I had known that, I probably wouldn't have bought the one I did.

WOW seriously..damn..good thing I did not sell mine yet. I was going to sell it but I was worried about it not being jailbreakable. I will just wait, wish they would at least update people, say its possible to jailbreak it, if I knew that I would go ahead and purchase one, but them saying nothing makes me suspicious that they don't have anything and this device might not be easily jailbroken. I know many people say the iPad 2 even without it being jailbroken is worth buying, but I Tell ya, I had no intention of buying the iPad 1 til it was jailbroken, once it was I went to the store and bought it
I had no clue that the iPad 2 had yet to be jailbroken. I guess I just assumed that it was like everything else. That really plays a roll in deciding on what to buy for sure.
I had no clue that the iPad 2 had yet to be jailbroken. I guess I just assumed that it was like everything else. That really plays a roll in deciding on what to buy for sure.

Yea, I made that assumption also.

It was my own fault for not researching it enough, but I didn't realize there was no JB until I posted here asking how to change the default browser (you can't, which totally amazes me that apple would lock out such a basic computer function as that)
So I guess that popular opinion here is that I should wait., maybe wait another month and see what happens with the iPad 2 jailbreak, I can always sell it in another month or so, just want some confirmation that there will be an iPad 2 jailbreak..if they came out and said that they in fact have jailbroken it but its gonna take some time to complete the process I would go out tomorrow and buy an iPad 2, but since they haven't said anything, I don't want to get rid of my old iPad just to get a new one that cant be jailbroken, would be SO messed up if I did that
same dilemma here...

but I dont have an IPAD yet so still stuck if to buy an IPAD 1 today or else wait till IPAD 2 is available in my country and jailbreaked too...

is there a huge noticable difference in performance between V1 and 2 ?

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