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Something is wrong with my iPad


And what if it's not the battery? Do you think Apple will do anything only being out of warranty for two months?
I think they will be very, very helpful! Yes, go tomorrow. Procrastination is the thief of time and all that!
I believe this is hardware problem u better go to apple

Sent from my iPad using iPF shereen Samy
Wear something low cut and sexy!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
SweetPoison said:

And what if it's not the battery? Do you think Apple will do anything only being out of warranty for two months?

I am sure that they will be really helpful but if all else fails.......use the "do you know who I am line!" (prior to doing that it may be worth running round all the display mac's and ipad's in the store and setting their screens to IPF).

The Archangel
Setting their screens all to iPF and leaving iPF Business Cards all over the store and put iPF bumper stickers on all their cars....

Oh that is hilarious, boys! I have NO clue how to use a Mac, though.:eek: Bet I would figure it out real quick.

Well ~ I just got up and my iPad is all charged. I closed the case and popped in in the sleeve for one more test.

See how hot it gets and if it drains the battery. If so ~ Apple Store here I come in the morning.

I really dread it though. What if they do nothing or want some moohla?:(
SweetPoison said:
What if they do nothing or want some moohla?:(

At that point chain yourself to a 27" iMac (no point downgrading if you've gone this far already) and repeat the following over and over again "la,la, la, android, android, android, la, la, la, android.............."

The Archangel
You two are too funny. I just got up and sure enough it is hot and down to 59%.:mad:

But check this out: I have a theory and see if what you two think, and I will also ask leigh:

I turned off the iPad from sleeping! It never goes to sleep or to the locked screen mode thingy.

It stays on the home page and I bet that is why it over heats and drains the battery please agree with me and say Yes! Marie you figured it out?

I forget how I turned that option off ~ I want to turn it back on...

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