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Red 1 in Messages


iPF Noob
Feb 18, 2015
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My IPad shows a red 1 as if I had a new message. There are no new messages. I have rebooted and tried what I could to no avail. My IPhone shows no new messages. How do I clear that?
I did that and nothing changes. I have scrolled thru all msgs and nothing shows as new. I guess I can turn off Notifications for that app but then how would I know if I get a new msg?
When you say that you’ve scrolled through all the messages, does that mean you’ve checked all the conversations listed in the left column, not just the actual text messages? Open each conversation and make sure you’ve seen the last received text.

You could try deleteing all the conversations where you don’t need the history.

No other ideas.
If you select Edit from the top left of the conversations column, you’ll see a Read All option at he bottom left. This should mark all texts as read. Might be worth a try. Only after you’ve read everthing you can see, though. Otherwise you might miss something.

Just noticed; probably because I’ve never had enough texts to use the feature.
I did scroll the left column and verified all were read. I deleted a number of the most current msgs that I received before the problem showed up. I have booted, turned off notifications & back on, and anything else I thought might work. It is still there. I will try the last suggestion.
Thanks for the replies.
This is weird! I tried what I knew and the suggestions offered here to no avail. This evening I took my wife's IPhone and sent myself an imessage thinking that might make a change. Nope! Then I sent a second message without having looked at the first on the IPad. Still said 1. I surrender. Both messages went thru but the red circle with the 1 in it never changes. Maybe the next IOS update will straighten this out.
Thanks for trying all.
I don’t know if you’ll lose conversations, but you could try turning iMessages off in Settings ? Messages , waiting a several minutes, then turning it back on again.

I’m not brave enough to try this myself, since there are some pictures and history I want to keep.

Note: iMessages is Apples internet based message service. The Message app includes both Apple’s iMessage and cellular SMS services. The bubble is blue when sending via iMessage, and green when sending SMS texts.
I did that and no change. I turned Imessage off, re-booted the Ipad. and no change. I tried the suggestions I found online and no luck. I may take it to the Apple Store to see if they can solve. It is frustrating as my IPhone works perfectly but the IPad still shows the 1.
Just spent about 45 minutes online with Apple Support and they (He) did not seem to have a clue. They finally wanted me to do a Reset all Settings. I declined as I am not convinced that would solve the problem. Back to the drawing board.
I had exactly this happen with email on my iPhone 7+ which is on a corporate AT&T account not long ago. Our IT department had me reset the email account and the new message notification disappeared. So, Apple Support may well be correct in having you do the reset.

Good luck!
Also, resetting all settings won't delete any data it just sets all settings to their factory defaults
Finally bit the bullet and did the Reset All Settings. It fixed the problem and I only lost wifi connection, lock & home screen photo, and Imessage connection - had to redo Appleid pswd. Thanks for all the suggestions.

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