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J Biss

iPF Noob
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Again,
I was hoping to find someone w/similar interests OR experience to speak with.
Just a little bit about me.... I am a singer/songwriter, writer. I love musical theatre! I love being a wife & mom!

Looking forward to meeting new friends!
J Biss
Last edited:
I'd just like to point out that the rules forbid religious conversation within the forum. This is in the best interests of all.
KevinJS said:
I'd just like to point out that the rules forbid religious conversation within the forum. This is in the best interests of all.

I find that slightly offensive.
But I must follow the rules.
Amy, the rules exist for the good of all members. This forum is inclusive. You can be a member regardless of where you come from, what color you are or what you believe, or choose not to believe.

That is what makes this forum special. Everybody is welcome. Politics and religion are divisive. That's why they are not allowed.
KevinJS said:
Amy, the rules exist for the good of all members. This forum is inclusive. You can be a member regardless of where you come from, what color you are or what you believe, or choose not to believe.

That is what makes this forum special. Everybody is welcome. Politics and religion are divisive. That's why they are not allowed.

Okay, I understand. :)
AQ_OC said:
Welcome. Which iPad do you have or are planning to get?

I have iPad2. Think the new iPad is pretty nice. But.. have loved the one I am using; so I won't get another until mine dies. :)
I have iPad2. Think the new iPad is pretty nice. But.. have loved the one I am using; so I won't get another until mine dies. :)

Nothing wrong with that. It may be a while before you get another one. :)

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