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IPad hardware failures

Have you ever had a hardware problem with your iPad?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 75 81.5%

  • Total voters
My previous ipad would not charge, even with the supplied wall charger.

I took it to the apple store and they replaced it; no hassle.

The new one is working great so far.
I'm a few days late it looks like. My first iPad I had to return because the volume up button was not working. At that time Apple told me I would either have to go to an iPhone store or mail it in and they would ship it to me once they received my old unit. I didn't know of any iPhone stores so I paid for their extended warranty so they would ship it out to me immediately and give me a return label to ship it back. All went well but I should have just gone to an iPhone store.
According to the Apple Store CS, the iPads 3G antenna broke, so the iPad got replaced. But after installing the backup on the replacement, 3G in the new model stopped working as well. Downloading&installing the firmware again worked as a work-a-round, but I lost all data, since the backup is broken.

Other than that, it is working the way it should.
Since you say that after reinstalling the factory setup it worked I would conclude that the problem was related to some application that you have installed. If you didn't give up you should restore again your backup and uninstall one by one your apps trying to understand which is creating the problem. If you are lucky you might be able to save all your data. Good luck!
My iPad stopped charging one night. I tried to sync, but the iPad was not recognized by my MacBook. Eventually the iPad was locked on the apple logo. Genius bar replaced the iPad when they could not rercover.
Funny have not had hardly any at all however in saying that on pc laptops it is high service area. In fact i cannot remember any customers whom purchased Apple laptops having issues except on due to dropping it.
Have seen recently ipad h/w failure in usb connection, and also in another ipad the screen stopped working (touch) -
both were replaced by apple.
Just got a new ipad yesterday, Bad USB sent back. should have the new one 3-3.
Early on, I had my screen go out on me.

See original post with pictures.

No issues since!
col.bris said:
That's rare to have USB issue what exactly is the problem with the USB connection if I may ask

No idea, called care support we jumped all of the hoops. He said it was a dead unit, I just got the new one this afternoon
far it's working great. New unit not fixed replaced.
Ipad hardware problems

I have an ipad first generation. It blacks out for no reason and will not turn back on using the power button. Apple looked at this machine and said it was a hardware issue so they could not do anything (it is out of warranty). This is a warranty replacement for my first ipad that failed 2 weeks before the warranty expired. Note: If I hit the back of the machine a few times, it will sometimes start using the power button.
Fortunately I have yet to encounter a hardware issue with my iPad. However, I have purchased AppleCare+ just in case.
Better safe than sorry.

From the iPad of Goofy8275, iPadForums.net user
The battery in my iPad 2 swelled and caused the screen to start to seperate from the back as well as slightly bowing. It was 19 months old and I took it to the Apple Store where they replaced it for $109 rather then the $279 they normally charge as it was clearly a battery fault.
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