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If you miss java and flash


iPF Noob
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
I just saw this app "Cloud browse", if you want to see flash videos or use java applications. this might help.

I havent tried it myself, however i've seen a lot of members missing the flash.
Isn't this removed from the App store now? I think it is.
i can still see it. it's 0.99$

i cant give a link right now.
just search in itunes for "cloud browse".

i dont know if you can stream, you might want to e-mail the developer for that.
The problem with Cloud Browse, and I have used it, is that unless you pay for a subscription it's iffy if you will get a free connection... I have lost mine in the middle of using it. If you are a serious movie or TV viewer the new PlayOn app is great. You can see a video review along with a tutorial at http://appsforipads.net. PlayOn is a subscription (or one time payment) but you can get a lot for your $.
It's garbage and makes no sense. Why not have an app that let's you stream your home browser??? You are logging in to a server and using they're computer remotely...hopefully you don't choose to log in to any sites or do anything personal since someone could easily be monitoring it.
I wasn't real impressed with cloud browse myself, especially since it said it was free and they said it was free on their facebook page, and if I wanted service where I wasn't booted off every 5 minutes I needed to upgrade to the premium service which is $9.99 per month.
It's garbage and makes no sense. Why not have an app that let's you stream your home browser??? You are logging in to a server and using they're computer remotely...hopefully you don't choose to log in to any sites or do anything personal since someone could easily be monitoring it.

Try Splashtop Remote for streaming you PC browser. On sale right now for only .99 cents! Normally $6.99!

I just went and grabbed a review... http://appsforipads.net/uncategorized/splashtop-remote-vs-team-viewer. Hope that helps!
Slashtop is windows only :(
Shame as my mac box runs silent while my windows machine is noisy as hell with all its fans running, so it has to be turned off at night.
You better make that clear on your webpage Maggie.
It's garbage and makes no sense. Why not have an app that let's you stream your home browser??? You are logging in to a server and using they're computer remotely...hopefully you don't choose to log in to any sites or do anything personal since someone could easily be monitoring it.

Try Splashtop Remote for streaming you PC browser. On sale right now for only .99 cents! Normally $6.99!

I just went and grabbed a review... Splashtop Remote vs. TeamViewer | Apps for iPads. Hope that helps!

wow!! I grabbed it and i am running it on virtual machine on my mac....it is so awesome! Smooth streaming video remotely!! Thanks! Wish they had a mac version.
Rats I don't want any windows emulators/virtual boxes etc. trying to keep this a clean machine.........(bit like your iPad :)).
What's unclean about a vm?? It is the safest way to run a foreign os....it is just an image that can be deleted.

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