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Identify New ipad from version 2

Look at the screens. The text on the new iPad is much, much sharper. You can also take a screen shot and look at the number of pixels in the image file (2048 x 1536 vs 1024 x 768). That is a dead giveaway too. And of course the new ipad is slightly heavier than the 2011 model.

Of course, I'm assuming you're talking about an iPad that is not in the box. If it is inside the box, you can look at part numbers. They are different between the two devices. I don't have that info handy, but I have seen it posted here.
Is there any "outward" sign of difference i.e. different printing on back etc?
Earth calling... Why do we need to know which iPad the guy at the bus stop is holding? Unless we are about to repair one, but that's a different story.
Earth calling... Why do we need to know which iPad the guy at the bus stop is holding? Unless we are about to repair one, but that's a different story.

What makes you think that's why people are asking? Your remark seems from a planet other than Earth, lol. There are people who buy secondhand who probably want some way to confirm which model they're buying, for instance.
How do we identify the new version from version 2?

You might want to take a look at this article and pay extra attention to the physical differences indicated in the table. For example, as shown in the table, the Ipad 3 is thicker compared to the Ipad 2 due to the Ipad 3's larger battery.
Earth calling... Why do we need to know which iPad the guy at the bus stop is holding? Unless we are about to repair one, but that's a different story.

You might want to take a look at this article and pay extra attention to the physical differences indicated in the table. For example, as shown in the table, the Ipad 3 is thicker compared to the Ipad 2 due to the Ipad 3's larger battery.

@theTIMO - no help whatsoever - so why even bother posting? - maybe you just want to increase your "novice" score?
@coolstuffs - thanks but specs comparisons have always been easy to obtain but of no use when I don't have both ipads at the front of me.
@Kaykaykay - thank you for your comments above.

If I am buying second hand - and in bulk as I do - then I need to be able to tell quickly and easily which "generation" I am looking at - I guess I am going to have to carry a micrometer to check the thickness of each iPad - not a pleasant job if I have a pile of 200 to check!!
You might want to take a look at this article and pay extra attention to the physical differences indicated in the table. For example, as shown in the table, the Ipad 3 is thicker compared to the Ipad 2 due to the Ipad 3's larger battery.

It's true that there are minor outward differences, but if you don't have two iPads to compare or cannot recognize a retina screen, then your best bet is to check the serial number. That's if you need to know for sure. If I'm just being nosy, I just ask someone whether they've got an iPad 2 or the new iPad, lol.
@theTIMO - no help whatsoever - so why even bother posting? - maybe you just want to increase your "novice" score?
@coolstuffs - thanks but specs comparisons have always been easy to obtain but of no use when I don't have both ipads at the front of me.
@Kaykaykay - thank you for your comments above.

If I am buying second hand - and in bulk as I do - then I need to be able to tell quickly and easily which "generation" I am looking at - I guess I am going to have to carry a micrometer to check the thickness of each iPad - not a pleasant job if I have a pile of 200 to check!!

I'm not sure if every Ipad 3 and Ipad 2 have the same serial numbers. Tell me if I'm wrong, as far as I know, devices have different serial numbers. That is no two devices of the same model have the same sereal numbers. A Serial number can't be be determined easily unless you have phycially in front of you the device or the pertinent documentation is available. Even the manufacturer will not be able to provide you one if you did not register. Perhaps you're referring to the model number and not the serial number. Model number and serial number are two different information. The model number might be the quickest way of knowing the difference. But then again is it readily available? Whether you use the serial number or model number how will you verify them without the device physically in front of you? Granting that you have 200 of them how will you determine QUICKLY AND EASILY that what you have are really the devices that you bought?
It's true that there are minor outward differences, but if you don't have two iPads to compare or cannot recognize a retina screen, then your best bet is to check the serial number. That's if you need to know for sure. If I'm just being nosy, I just ask someone whether they've got an iPad 2 or the new iPad, lol.

Are you sure that my Ipad3 and your Ipad 3 have the same serial number?
I think the easiest way to tell the two apart is the display resolution. You can easily see the pixels in an iPad 2 display,while the pixels in the iPad 3 display are too small to see without magnification.
Here is an excellent thread that explains exactly how to tell which iPad you have.

I agree. However, as pointed out by the scenario of Ziffos, this can't be done because these devices are not physically in front of you. Granting that it is physically available, with 200 of them as stated in the scenario, will it be QUICK and EASY to verify the resolution? Perhaps Ziffos should open a new thread with the same question and adding the specifics of what he wants for the answer.:)
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coolstuffs said:
I agree. However, as pointed out by the previous scenario of the author, this can't be done because these devices are not physically in front of you. Granting that it is physically available, with 200 of them as stated in the scenario, will it be QUICK and EASY to verify the resolution? Maybe the author of the thread should rephrase the question and put the specifics so that it can properly address by everyone.:)

The OP of this thread made no mention of not having the iPads in front of him. This possible scenario was postulated by a Kaykaykay,later poster in this thread.

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