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I need help with my IPad.

Actually I recently found a work around for this very thing, for me at least. I noticed a USB port on my router and after recently buying a 2tb USB hard drive, I plugged it in and configured it, downloaded an app on the iPad called 'file browser' and that was it. I now have access to 2tb of photos, films, music and documents from the 2 iPads in our household. I agree it's not like having an SD card slot or Bluetooth sharing but for us it's just as good as we can access all our media anytime.
Interesting....... Only received my iPad 4 two days ago, it's my first foray into iOS so Google is my Friend.
Having difficulty in viewing files on the iPad (don't worry, happy about the differences between Windows/Android/iOS but have been seeking a suitable File Manager and Photo/Video viewer.
As such your comment on File Browser I found quite interesting..... As there is no Free version of this App I obviously wish to get it right.
I use Dropbox and Share files between my Android devices and Laptop extensively, a task I wish to continue on the iPad.
So, File Browser is as good as you say?
Beards said:
So, File Browser is as good as you say?
Well I'm not familiar with any other network file browser but this program certainly does what I wanted, which is to share media from my USB drive which is plugged into my Wifi router. I think it cost £2.99 gbp but as you may or may not know, you can add this program to another ipad if you sign into it with your username and password.( this is only possible up to 5 times, or so I'm told)
The app itself 'file browser' was recommended on a website, I can't remember which offhand but it works a treat, however I have no other use for it at the minute, apart from sharing media from my usb drive, therefore I am not aware of its other capabilities.
Thanks evohicks for an honest appreciation of what you use it for.
I'm similar in that providing I can log into my Dropbox/Google Drive/Box accounts and also link to my Laptop on Wifi then that will be all I'll be using it for.
Ugh, I am so glad the iPad is NOT a PC/Windows device.

I find them endlessly frustrating and utterly impossible to get to do anything I want with decent speed. I suppose I would feel the same way if I found situations reversed, as the OP has.

Can you return them? Sell them on ebay/Craigslist? Give them to a family member? Find a needy family that would love to use it for a Special Needs child? You device might even be tax deductible if you donate it.
My autistic son was lucky enough to recieve a first generation iPad that way and it really has done him a huge world of good with the apps you can get and study/self monitoring skills offered in the App Store. They really are easy to use, which is why you can find a young child whizzing around on one yet you never see that on a PC.

Don't make something work that doesn't. Not everybody loves Apple.
I agree with this. I left the PC world back in 2009 and never looked back. I do have some gadgets that are Android based and I like them, but I find that they can be buggy sometimes.

I use Pages for most of my word processing needs, OP.
Hi all,

This is my first post and I am sorry it has to be like this! I just hope some of this community can help me to like this thing!

My wife and I offered ourselves the latest and best, retina display, 64gb, wif fi and mobile for Christmas. We were so impatient to open it on Christmas day, but what did we find?

A wonderful display and a wonderful display and a wonderful display! Very expensive for a screen.

On the downside, one single button, no "back button", not even a "menu button".
One single cable that does not seem to connect it to anything properly
No apparent means of printing anything
No usb socket, no sd card reader
No way of having any control over what happens and what goes where (no equivalent of "windows explorer")
One tiny sheet of paper as a user's handbook (a joke!)
Free software is generally pretty pathetic and some software IS free on a browser, but when you try to download it, the ipad refuses to connect to the server.
If you eventually figure out how to import photos with itunes, you have to import the whole lot and then cannot deleted any of them or even delete the whole folder.
So you go and buy a silly piece of kit called a photo transfer kit or something. that works when it feels like it, as long as you rename every single file to a name the ipad will accept. And you can't use it to export files or import other files (.doc etc). The USB part just does not work at all (says not compatible or too much current or something)
There is no problem transferring the superb photos and videos from my excellent Galaxy S3 to my PC etc but no way to get them onto the ipad or get the ipad things onto the pc.

We are utterly frustrated. I have been wasting all my free time trying to figure out how to do the simplest things such type a letter and print it! I've tried "dropbox" and that is pathetically slow and things go into "dropbox" and i can't seem to be able to put them where I want them. One seems to need a work-around for everything. How can Apple make the simplest of things so complicated or plain impossible! Oh how we regret buying the thing! As if we didin't have better things to do than spend hours trying to figure out how to put a file on our computer (or vice versa) with no cable, no usb key, no cd, no memory card, no normal permanent WiFi connection!

Sorry for all the rant, but it is good to get it off my chest and perhaps, some kind soul will get us on the right track to be able to use this thing with no hassle and end up liking it!

Many thanks in advance for your replies.

Did you go to apple/iTunes site or YouTube to watch the new user videos?
Hi all,

This is my first post and I am sorry it has to be like this! I just hope some of this community can help me to like this thing!

My wife and I offered ourselves the latest and best, retina display, 64gb, wif fi and mobile for Christmas. We were so impatient to open it on Christmas day, but what did we find?

A wonderful display and a wonderful display and a wonderful display! Very expensive for a screen.

On the downside, one single button, no "back button", not even a "menu button".
One single cable that does not seem to connect it to anything properly
No apparent means of printing anything
No usb socket, no sd card reader
No way of having any control over what happens and what goes where (no equivalent of "windows explorer")
One tiny sheet of paper as a user's handbook (a joke!)
Free software is generally pretty pathetic and some software IS free on a browser, but when you try to download it, the ipad refuses to connect to the server.
If you eventually figure out how to import photos with itunes, you have to import the whole lot and then cannot deleted any of them or even delete the whole folder.
So you go and buy a silly piece of kit called a photo transfer kit or something. that works when it feels like it, as long as you rename every single file to a name the ipad will accept. And you can't use it to export files or import other files (.doc etc). The USB part just does not work at all (says not compatible or too much current or something)
There is no problem transferring the superb photos and videos from my excellent Galaxy S3 to my PC etc but no way to get them onto the ipad or get the ipad things onto the pc.

We are utterly frustrated. I have been wasting all my free time trying to figure out how to do the simplest things such type a letter and print it! I've tried "dropbox" and that is pathetically slow and things go into "dropbox" and i can't seem to be able to put them where I want them. One seems to need a work-around for everything. How can Apple make the simplest of things so complicated or plain impossible! Oh how we regret buying the thing! As if we didin't have better things to do than spend hours trying to figure out how to put a file on our computer (or vice versa) with no cable, no usb key, no cd, no memory card, no normal permanent WiFi connection!

Sorry for all the rant, but it is good to get it off my chest and perhaps, some kind soul will get us on the right track to be able to use this thing with no hassle and end up liking it!

Many thanks in advance for your replies.

A suggestion;
Sell your ipad and get an android / windows tablet. I mean no disrespect but clearly you're a windows user and or more comfortable with an OS other then IOS.
You will constantly compare what you know against your learning struggles of trying to do the same thing in ITunes, and it
Probably will ruin the experience
I suspect you bought the ipad on a whim, and trying to justify the switching costs.
Windows and droid tablets are ok for what they need to do, but they have their niche, same for IPad

Incidentally, an observation regarding paradigm on how iPads get content. accessibility or communication, not portability.
the ipad speaks to cloud based or networked devices, rather then carry your data around eating up space.
For example, I have a 32GB IPAD wifi that speaks to my NAS, Wireless print server, my router, my mifi, my photo sharing site, Rather then carry the pictures locally, or carry cables and peripherals to
again just a suggestion
this thread and any others like it imho are based on the user doing zero research before purchasing a product.
You need to find out the details, what it's intended use is, and what it's good at or not good at doing.

If you don't do the research and find it doesn't perform like a desktop or laptop computer then nobody can be blamed but yourself imho.
My ipad is a purely pleasure device.............surfing the web, emails, games, tinkering, and just plain having fun.

If i need to do any serious work, forget it. I grab my laptop or hop on the desktop.

I can't imagine plunking down $500 - $900 for a device without researching the heck out of it first, so there are no surpirses once you get it.
Information is very easy to get and plentiful these days.....


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