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HoneyPad Pro for DreamBoard!


iPF Noob
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC USA
So, I was bored in second period the other day and thought about DreamBoard and wanted to give it a try again. So, I hopped onto Cydia and purchased HoneyPad Pro. After a little configuring, it was all set and ready to go!

It looks great and runs very well. Only problem is that on iPad 1 with it's limited RAM it makes alot of apps crash that need just that little bit of space that DreamBoard takes because it runs on top of your regular springboard. But, for the most part it runs pretty well.

So, sit back, and enjoy the video demo of HoneyPad Pro for DreamBoard!

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This theme is alright, nothing special. It lacks the ability to use the accelerometer on the home screen. Also, it isn't compatible with many cydia tweaks. Pretty cool concept, and is very smooth, just not the one for me!

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF
HowBoutThemPack said:
This theme is alright, nothing special. It lacks the ability to use the accelerometer on the home screen. Also, it isn't compatible with many cydia tweaks. Pretty cool concept, and is very smooth, just not the one for me!

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF

Any tweaks relating to homescreen stuff such as icons, modify springboard, not dreamboard.
I just got Honeypad and man it's cool.. Just a question about it though. When you go in the app icon in the top right (next to the plus sign). I don't have any apps under the folders, games, social, utilities etc. How do I get apps into there?? Obviously the old click, wiggle wiggle wiggle and drag doesn't work

Edit: Figured it out; Plus sign, Edit, then go to the (for example) games tab and start adding....I swear I tried that first and it didn't work! lol.....
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