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Can you link documents to calendar?


iPF Noob
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hi. First post so be gentle!
Is there a way to link documents to the calendar that comes with the ipad? I want to be able to save e.g. agendas and then click on the relevant appointment in the calendar and the agenda (or pdf or whatever) pops up, rather than the extra clicks of saving them somewhere and having to open them separately.
And in case any answers might include the miraculous dropbox - I can't use that because it won't run on my school network.
thanks in advance
HJN said:
Hi. First post so be gentle!
Is there a way to link documents to the calendar that comes with the ipad? I want to be able to save e.g. agendas and then click on the relevant appointment in the calendar and the agenda (or pdf or whatever) pops up, rather than the extra clicks of saving them somewhere and having to open them separately.
And in case any answers might include the miraculous dropbox - I can't use that because it won't run on my school network.
thanks in advance

Hi Helen,

My name is Helen too :)

I don't think there is a way to do that on the standard calendar. I think that would be a great idea....I wonder if anyone has used an calendar apps that can do that.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
HJN said:
Hi. First post so be gentle!
Is there a way to link documents to the calendar that comes with the ipad? I want to be able to save e.g. agendas and then click on the relevant appointment in the calendar and the agenda (or pdf or whatever) pops up, rather than the extra clicks of saving them somewhere and having to open them separately.
And in case any answers might include the miraculous dropbox - I can't use that because it won't run on my school network.
thanks in advance

Hi, I've mentioned this calendar app before in another discussion, its called Saisuke, there is a free version to try out. This calendar gives the opportunity to have a memo attached to any date. Perhaps you could copy and paste your agenda to here? Worth giving it a try as it's free!

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
Thanks all - really helpful - I shall investigate!
You can use this little application to attach your files to standard calendar entries:
You can use this little application to attach your files to standard calendar entries: secretary-app.de
Is this app still available? I seem not to find it at the AppStore, and the website link leads to the AppStore but with no content. Thanks.
That app should be available in the German App Store unless it has been removed. Try going to this website, which has a link to the App Store. http://secretary-app.de/
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Thanks, I tried their website link, I searched the German and US store, but to no avail.
And I even ran a very quick google search to locate their local phone number.

I think, I have to do it more thoroughly again.

Thanks, I tried their website link, I searched the German and US store, but to no avail. And I even ran a very quick google search to locate their local phone number. I think, I have to do it more thoroughly again. Knut
Since you didn't find the app after a very thorough search it's very likely that the app is no longer available. It could have been removed from the App Store by Apple or the developer, there's no way of telling.


I have been using Pocket Informant as my primary calendar for some 5 years now and it will allow you to add notes etc to calendar events or tasks. It is a very sophisticated calendar with all sorts of terrific functionality.
You are able to try it for a period with reduced functionality but I feel that after you have used it for a while you will want to go on and purchase the product.

I have absolutely nothing to do with Pocket Informant and am merely a very happy user.

Kricke, Hi I have been using Pocket Informant as my primary calendar for some 5 years now and it will allow you to add notes etc to calendar events or tasks. It is a very sophisticated calendar with all sorts of terrific functionality. You are able to try it for a period with reduced functionality but I feel that after you have used it for a while you will want to go on and purchase the product. I have absolutely nothing to do with Pocket Informant and am merely a very happy user. Xerxers

I too have used Informant for many months and find it very good indeed. If you go on to the support feedback page from within the app you will see that several users have requested the facility to link to file, photos and Evernote, so it may come along some time. I use the note feature in Informant to synch with my Evernote notes and find this most useful. To do this go to settings, notes, default synch account and set up Evernote.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Thanks Xerxers and Gtatler,

I will have a look at Pocket Informant, which I used in former times. (Windows Mobile 6.x on HTC HD2)
I had completely forgotten that there is an iOS app.


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