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Apple Offers $16 Million to Proview in Trademark Dispute


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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The Next Web reports today that according to a report in the Beijing Times, Apple has offered Proview 100 million yuan, or $16 million dollars for the rights to the iPad trademark in China, in a bid to settle the continuing legal action over the matter. However, it seems that Proview is looking for much more cash from Apple to settle the case. Much, much, more, in fact, as Proview is said to be holding out for at least $400 million from Apple, in order to meet its obligations with its creditors, which include eight Chinese banks. Even though Proview has not so far accepted Apple’s offer, this latest news out of China would seem to back up news reports from earlier in the week that said that Apple had softened its stance in the ongoing dispute and was now prepared to talk about settling with Proview.

Source: Apple Bid $16m for iPad Trademark, Proview Wants $63m
Via MacRumors

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