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Apple iPad event set for March 7, 10am PT !

I love how Apple took the wind out of Android's sails today. Google's CEO was on stage in Barcelona when Apple sent the launch event notice and stopped the internet cold. Way to go Apple! Funniest thing I read so far today :)
CNBC is not a reliable source. They made a big splash with saying it was going to be in New York, it would have a quad processor, 4G, and other features. It has over several updates retracted everything but there will be an event on Mrach 7. :D Someone is getting a lecture on not being played by the Apple rumor mill. For the next few days, we can expect the fancy to fly in huge flocks.
If there is no home button how do we operate siri?
If there is no home button how do we operate siri?

If we consider that there is no physical home button I believe there will be capacitive sensor that will do the same thing like home button.

Without home button iPad 3 would look even more elegant, but on other side that home button is iconic for all iOS devices.
The fun and community in this thread makes me happy to be a part of this. May all your days be as happy as mine.
I'll adopt the wait-and-see. After all, my wife and kids said they are going to buy me an iPad3. I'm sure it'll have magic inside.
I offered my iPad 1 to Mom. She's excited, too.

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace
I highly doubt it would be without Home Button !!
Abrupt removal of the home button would be a mistake.

More than likely I will stick to my ipad 2...also, I dont want to be speculating with a jb again.
Also, I wonder of the maps and keynote icons play any role there...they look exactly the same as the current one.
Also, I wonder of the maps and keynote icons play any role there...they look exactly the same as the current one.

That's just Apple's thing: the calendar shows the date of the event, Keynote is there to tell you there'll be a presentation and Maps is there to point to California. They like to do that, plus leave clues (or at least thing that people THINK are clues). For example, people are already tweeting that the font in the invite is one that is normally used on retina displays...

Good times ahead, that's for sure.

That's just Apple's thing: the calendar shows the date of the event, Keynote is there to tell you there'll be a presentation and Maps is there to point to California. They like to do that, plus leave clues (or at least thing that people THINK are clues). For example, people are already tweeting that the font in the invite is one that is normally used on retina displays...
Good times ahead, that's for sure.

They like to play with symbols, i really appreciate that! Apple is so careful with all stuff that goes into publicity.

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