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App that records internal audio, anyone?


iPF Noob
Dec 24, 2010
Reaction score
Wotcha, folks.

Does anyone know of an app that will record internal audio (and, hopefully, send it)?

I'd like something that would record audio off of the BBC's iPlayer.

Is this even possible, as it would need to multitask effectively - safari to play the audio, and the app to record at the same time.

Does my request make any sense?

3 day bump.

Still looking, folks. Any ideas?
Wotcha, folks.

Does anyone know of an app that will record internal audio (and, hopefully, send it)?

I'd like something that would record audio off of the BBC's iPlayer.

Is this even possible, as it would need to multitask effectively - safari to play the audio, and the app to record at the same time.

Does my request make any sense?


Yes, your request makes sense. I don't know of such an app (which doesn't mean it doesn't exist), and my hunch is that this is the type of thing that Apple would not allow in the app store even if it were something the iPad hardware can do - the potential for copyright infringement with this sort of app is probably the sort of thing Apple wants to avoid. The BBC (or other content providers) might feel more comfortable making audio available on the iPad knowing that it cannot be easily recorded, at least at the digital level.

Maybe something is available for jailbroken iPads???
I've got a small radio downloader program for windows but sadly never seen an iPad equivalent. I suspect digital rights would make it unlikely knowing apple.

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