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Alarm clock and volume control


iPF Noob
Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Richmond, va
I have been using Nightstand Central as my alarm clock, but this morning the volume was too low and I didn't hear it. Yep, overslept and was late for work. Does anyone know if there is an iPad app that will override the device's volume, if there is such a thing? I used the iPod Touch for years without a problem, but gave it away once i got the iPad. I would hate to go back to the dark ages and have to buy an electric alarm clock.

If your iPad is jailbroken you could install the default clock app that is on the ipod touch and iphones.

you just need to get a copy of the mobileTimer app from an iPhone 3gs I believe and SSH it into iPad.

Theres a vid of how to do this on youtube......
Thanks LRG! Not sure about the jailbreaking part, will have to research the pro/cons. But you confirmed that it's possible with software to do it. I wonder why it requires jailbreaking? Could someone write an app to do the same which could run on a non JB iPad?
No problems....

I personally love having my iPad jailbroken so I could run stuff like SBsettings, activator, and full force amongst other tweaks. Cant really come up with any cons in regards to jailbreaking other than right now its only a tethered jailbreak for 4.2.1, but that isnt a big issue since I rarely ever need to shut down my ipad.

And to have the default clock app on your ipad, it requires jailbreaking because you have to SSH into your ipad to transfer the mobiletimer app. Theres really no other way to SSH into your ipad w/out jailbreaking it first and installing openSSH in Cydia.

I can confirm that the clock app works forsure. As for other clock apps on the appstore, the problem is youll have to have it running in the background in order for the alarm to go off, or leave the app open completely and not allow your ipad to sleep. Either way its not as convenient as the default clock app found on the iphone/itouch.
Aren't there a couple of alarm clock apps that have the ability to slowly increase the alarm volume? This should override any other settings.

Have to test it to be sure, of course.
Exactly, there is no need for jailbreaking. Alarm Clock Pro does exactly what you want. There is a volume setting under "Advanced", just set your volume limit there and then use the Sound Fade In option. The sound will always start from very low and then slowly rise to the set volume, regardless of what the sound settings on the iPad are, it even works when the iPad volume was set to zero.
Perfect! i'll try Alarm clock pro. BTW, Nightstand has a fade in option, but will only fade into the device's max volume.
Alarm clock Pro works. It doesn't override your device's volume setting. It increases it during the fade-in until you are at max volume. That's better than oversleeping. Thanks for the suggestion.
Today Alarmclock Pro did not start the alarm and I overslept as well.

What I have noticed is that even in the past week, Alarmclock Pro would often use the standard alarm sound, even though a song was chosen. And I am guessing that it just used this short ring tone this morning as well and I simply didn't hear it.

This really doesn't make much sense, but it seems to me that the times when the song was not played where when the iPad was not plugged in overnight, as was the case last night. Maybe a bugged power saving feature?

Regardless of what the issue is, as long as an alarm does not go off with 100% certainty, it is not only worthless, but can be really destructive.
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This is why I just go with the built in alarm on my phone, which in my case is iPhone. I don't trust other apps. (I also don't keep my iPad by my nightstand). I always hear my iPhone alarm without fail. But I guess it depends on the phone. iPhone's "digital" sound tone does the job for me. My Palm Treos were loud enough too. Before those, a couple of my non fancy cell phones worked too. And then of course before all of that, a regular clock!
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
Today Alarmclock Pro did not start the alarm and I overslept as well.

What I have noticed is that even in the past week, Alarmclock Pro would often use the standard alarm sound, even though a song was chosen. And I am guessing that it just used this short ring tone this morning as well and I simply didn't hear it.

This really doesn't make much sense, but it seems to me that the times when the song was not played where when the iPad was not plugged in overnight, as was the case last night. Maybe a bugged power saving feature?

Regardless of what the issue is, as long as an alarm does not go off with 100% certainty, it is not only worthless, but can be really destructive.

That's too bad, but thanks for letting me know. I don't want to jailbreak, but I need a reliable alarm clock. I'll have to buy a $10 electric clock and explain to hubby why my new iPad wont do the trick. In 4 years, the iPod touch never failed me - was expecting the same from iPad.
Today Alarmclock Pro did not start the alarm and I overslept as well.

What I have noticed is that even in the past week, Alarmclock Pro would often use the standard alarm sound, even though a song was chosen. And I am guessing that it just used this short ring tone this morning as well and I simply didn't hear it.

This really doesn't make much sense, but it seems to me that the times when the song was not played where when the iPad was not plugged in overnight, as was the case last night. Maybe a bugged power saving feature?

Regardless of what the issue is, as long as an alarm does not go off with 100% certainty, it is not only worthless, but can be really destructive.

If the alarm is in the background it can't access the sound in the same way it can in foreground. Nightstand Central says a little about this limitation imposed by Apple: "Background alarms are supported but due to technical limitations ate limited to 30 seconds.. Etc etc"

Just one more of the reasons I hate Apple policies but love Apple products. Kind of like how they've killed any other seller of books' ability to sell through an iPad app. Greed. I just wish they'd allow us [their humble minions] to have the alarm app or other apps have full sound access without jail breaking BEFORE the next iPad is released and the new iOS makes our iPads obsolete.

Maybe it's jailbreak time after all?

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