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Zinio Help please


iPF Novice
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
I just got notified that I had got a new magazine had arrived. when I went to the app on my iPad it didn't show .
I tried deleting the app then downloading it again and now I can't even log into my account . I also turn off my ipad and turn it on again but nothing has changed...
Am I the only one having trouble with this ?:confused:

I started to work again...I have no idea why as I haven't done anything else than above :eek:
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Zinio is weird on the iPad. It isn't always intuitive on the iMac either. With magazines now having the ability to sell subscriptions through the App Store, they are really going to have to step up their game to survive in the iOS market.

Not that any of hat was particularly helpful. :rolleyes:
that is exactly what is happening to me now! I already emailed Zinio support and was told that they are not having any connectivity issues at the moment, and was advised to force-quit and reinstall the app. I did both, but the same thing is happening. Haven't been able to access Zinio for over a week now.

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