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Wireless router


iPF Noob
Apr 11, 2010
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I am connected to the Internet through cable.

I use a wireless g router for the wifi signal for my iPad.

If I switch to a wireless n router will I get a faster wifi signal?
Yes you will, however for what you will use your iPad for you will not see any gain. The bottleneck is not the router as even G is more than sufficient.
Yes upgrading to a wireless N router will give you better performance.
With wireless N router you will also get much more wireless range. Meaning your iPad will work via wifi from a greater distance away from the router. Think of it as instead of only using it in your house, wireless N should be able to also extend the wireless signal so you should have no problem using it outside in your yard as well.
But if you're going to get an "N" router, DO NOT do what I did and go cheap! I bought a D-Link DIR615 for $20! Heck of a deal, right? Well it does work OK as a wireless router, but the only way to get a stable connection is to disable the "N" part of the router and throttle it back to a "B/G" router. But still, $20 for a "G" router isn't so bad.

As far as the range, I really can't complain. We live on 3 acres and my router is in the "man cave" in the corner of the house indicated by the red arrow. I use my iPod Touch to listen to streaming audio when cutting the grass and I don't have any significant issues with dropouts anywhere on my property.

Now that we all know where you live. If we all gang up and show up with beer you can't complain.
Since I am in a suburb of St. Louis, make sure the beer is an Anheuser Busch, excuse me, an Inbev product!
I bought the Apple Airport Extreme dual band wireless N router and works great. I noticed that download speeds are much faster, but streaming music throughout my house and back deck works better. So, N is better for increased range and good if you plan on stream music and video. My $.02.

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