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Why doesn't the ipad make sense?!?!? Keeps saying my security code is invalid

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Jan 15, 2012
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I can not download apps no matter if they are free or not. I have previously bought 2 apps with my MasterCard debit card and then all of a sudden EDITED BY MODERATOR app store keeps saying my security code is invalid. I keep using the same card number, same address, same security code, same everything. I can NOT find anywhere what the possible reason could be for this random obstacle but I do know that several people have had this issue. but I still can't pinpoint an exact answer :C
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It's not just this one thing that makes the iPad illogical, it's the fact that you cant use flash or upload pictures which is 85% of what the average human being does on the computer.
Well you've just hit the nail on the head, the iPad is not a computer, so why should you expect it to behave like one. Photos can be uploaded to your iPad, I have done it in a variety of ways. As for Flash, Adobe itself has stopped development of flash for Mobile Devices and there are other choices you can use. Have a look here and it will all be explained:- http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/54703-flash-ipad.html

As you have a thread on this topic already, This Thread is now Closed.

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