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what'sapp app???


iPF Noob
Nov 28, 2011
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My husband has a blackberry; i can send him texts from whatsapp on my iphone to his blackberry but not from my ipad to his blackberry....does this make sense to anyone? is there a way to fix it?

There's only an iPhone version of that app, but it doesn't work on iPad. An iPad version is supposed to be in the works. If you google, there's a signup page for notification when the iPad app is ready.
i looked but couldn't find it; can you link that to me?
i don't think the apple store has approved the new version of whatsapp yet. i'm waiting for this too. so you won't find it.
I Guess IT wasit workks Well on iPad
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One of the alternative is that you and your husband could switch to kakao talk or app store link
It's totally free (whatsapp use the term free for 1 year trial if I'm not mistaken), and in my opinion has better interface than whatsapp.
You can install it also in ipod or ipad as long as you have another mobile phone to receive the confirmation code text message when you register for new account.

Another benefit from kakao is that the group chat support unlimited member (while whatsapp and BBM groups are limited).
Lol...i knew that WhatsApp wont work on iPad but i still stubbornly purchased it from iTunes..i thought it will work just like my EURO 2012 app which work well in my iPad although it was made for iPhone...it's only $0.99 but still regret it...lol...looking forward for the iPad version of WhatsApp...

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