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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

The iPad may not be much use for business applications, I am inclined to agree with you on that, but it is a superb travel companion.... Whether on business travel or pleasure. It will keep you occupied for hours on long plane rides, and yes.... More than anything else, it is a toy.
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Wanted to use the ipad for business, but turns ot that the ipad is terrible for business. Data entry is monotonous. Typing is always a huge effort. Syncronization with pc's is terrible. Printing is impossible. File organization is non-sensical. Aside from light, portable, indestructive, and more of a toy for my 20 month old toddler, the ipad needs to improve. Should you buy a ipad for business? Not yet!

Depends on how you use it. As to your points -- data entry is always monotonous, regardless how you do it. For extended typing, use an ergonomic keyboard (BT or through the USB connector). We have a wireless hotspot in the office, so we can sync and file most of our data to cloud, and print wireless. We keep syncing with PCs to a minimum.

Our BAs use theirs all the time now for presentations and showcases. A couple of our developers use them at our daily development stand-ups. I use mine to run my scrum. Most of us can work remotely thanks to Citrix, and the iPad is far easier to travel with than a laptop. After all, the easiest kind of prediction to fulfill is the one in which people assert that something does not/cannot work.
Easy answer!!! Handbrake - available for Mac or windows - just google handbrake and you will find the latest release (and it's freeware)

What do you guys use to remove the encryption from a DVD first? Apparently Handbrake used to do encrypted DVDs, but doesn't anymore. =/
Wanted to use the ipad for business, but turns ot that the ipad is terrible for business. Data entry is monotonous. Typing is always a huge effort. Syncronization with pc's is terrible. Printing is impossible. File organization is non-sensical. Aside from light, portable, indestructive, and more of a toy for my 20 month old toddler, the ipad needs to improve. Should you buy a ipad for business? Not yet!

You might be better off with a true tablet computer for business. I loved all of the tablets I had over the years. But I do use my iPad for note taking - still not as good for even that as a true tablet.

I use the iPad for travel - videos, reading, games to amuse myself. I do LOVE the Daily Notes app. I use it every single day.
To be perfectly honest with everyone, I thought I would never own an iPad. Now that I have one I take it everywhere I go. It's a great addition to my laptop / desktop setup. The iPad has currently replaced my net book with great results!

I work in the Motion Picture Industry & it seems that the iPad took over the business by storm. I use it when I'm on location and on the sound stage. Everything from taking notes to quick drawings and staying in sync with others on the crew via 3G.

Still learning more ways to us the iPad for work and personal use. I have no regrets! Having a great time finding more uses for my iPad!
eBook reader, games, surf the web

sometimes youtube, but the net is not good enough.
facebbok, twitter, news, ereader (inc. comic books--they show up so well!), netflix, reference, match.com, maps, weather, games, porn
The iPad is very terrible for business. In fact, using this for business is like bringing a flourescant plastic fake toy computer to a serious business presentation, then being surprised when it doesn't contain your presentations.

One simple achilles heal - the iPad killer for business is:


I lost 2 months of data in numbers because it was easily, effortlessly delete by my 23 month old toddler who enjoys playing games on the iPad. The fact that a vital app could be whisked away at the stroke of a finger, along with all it's data, is absurdly ridiculous.

The iPad for business is simply playing with fire. Get a more serious device.
If I could run excell on the iPad, then maybe I would still have my data. So frustrating, never use a toy for business and expect it to be serious.
Koula said:
Wanted to use the ipad for business, but turns ot that the ipad is terrible for business. Data entry is monotonous. Typing is always a huge effort. Syncronization with pc's is terrible. Printing is impossible. File organization is non-sensical. Aside from light, portable, indestructive, and more of a toy for my 20 month old toddler, the ipad needs to improve. Should you buy a ipad for business? Not yet!

Very strange post I think.... I use my iPad for work all the time.... Yes - I don't sit at a desk all day typing - if that is what you bought it for you did not research the capabilities very well - you need a desktop not a portable device! Synchronization works great - all my work documents come as PDF files; data I have to enter is done using apps made for my profession and sync perfectly with pc and Mac... Printing works without a hitch! If a lot of typing is required I use a bluetooth keyboard... I do have to admit that I would never let any toddler play with any of my work related hardware - but if that is what you need maybe something at toys r us would do? Point I'm trying to make here - general statements like "iPad is bad for business" is in the same category as saying "Ferrari is bad for driving" when you really mean that a Ferrari is not a good choice as a family car for a family of 6...
Should you buy an iPad for business? In my profession YEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!
LittlePixels said:
What do you guys use to remove the encryption from a DVD first? Apparently Handbrake used to do encrypted DVDs, but doesn't anymore. =/

Install the vlc media player - it includes the necessary libraries... ;)

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I use iPad for almost everything.I am Nursing student so I do all my study through iPad. GoodReader is incredible and immensely helplful because it lets me write,draw circle or lines, highlight,add side notes on PDF file.
AirPrint feature is time saver.
Micromedex Drug app is kind of life saver.it gives all possible information about any medication instantly.When other start flipping pages of extra thick drug book, I am done with the help of iPad.
I love gaming on XBox 360but since I am working and studying I hardly get time, so playing games on iPad is incredible.Dead space is my favorite game.
I watch TV shows using abc Player and movies using NETFLIX.

iPad has become integral part of my life, if I didn't have the iPad I would not have been able carry on with studies along with working full time.

I thank APPLE for making such a great device that is helping me in shaping up my dreams.

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