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Well ! The iPad-3 still can’t do this !!


iPF Novice
Oct 6, 2011
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I was thinking with the much to die for Retina Display capable of playing Full HD videos I thought the optimum had been achieved as far as having a full HD screen was concerned but no, I was wrong and I am shocked and surprised that the out of the world Hyped iPad-3 still can’t do this. I am talking about playing FULL HD videos’s there is still gonna be those Black bars above and below a HD video while playing it in the iPad-3 because of the orientation of the iPad-3 which is 4:3 and most of the HD videos shot in 16:9 Orientationo. I am wondering why did they not consider this aspect while maing this out of the world screen, I mean c’mon Samsung’s Galaxy Tab, Asus Transformer Prime all have the 16:9 Orientation !! Could Apple have not done the same thing with the iPad-3 especially when they were doing it with a intention of taking a quantum leap over its competition.

I am shocked and saddened to know this. I was hoping so much to play all the HD videos at its full glory in the new iPad, But I don’t think that’s gonna be possible because of the iPad’s Orientation ? So films are either sandwiched by black bars or have to be cropped to fit which I hate !!
Dude.... There is more to life than watching videos. And a big screen TV is STILL a FAR better experience than watching videos on an iPad with mono sound. The 4:3 screen is better for almost everything else out there that one could do on a tablet, so going to a 16:9 display just for movies on a device that is really too small for movies is just stupid. Let the Droid do that. and you can get one of those if the only thing important to you is watching movies on a 10-inch screen. Shocked? This is the third version of the iPad. Apple has made clear their position on this (which I wholeheartedly agree with, too). Get an HD TV...and a home theater setup...and skip using a tablet for movie watching unless you are trapped in a hotel or something. Then live with bars (and you even get bars on Android tablets depending on the movie).
Of course Apple has considered this aspect.

And they've always concluded that the 4:3 ratio is their way forward. Pros and cons. There's more to tablets than viewing HD 16:9 video. You can't please all the peeps all the time, so they aim to please the majority. Which is what they've achieved.

There's no way I'd feel as comfortable with a 16:9 screen for non video and normal tablet work. Thank you Apple :)

For me personally, when I do want to watch a full HD video in all it's 16:9 glory, I watch on my main tv set. The tablet is, after all, a tablet. Not designed for the ultimate viewing experience.
Then live with bars (and you even get bars on Android tablets depending on the movie).

Nope In all likelyhood the one's that I mentioned Samsung Galaxy Tab and Asus Transformer Prime, they already have a 16:9 orientation so a movie shot in whatever orienatation (most of the Full HD videos use a 16:9 or 16:10 orientation at the most) definitely plays full screen and not with bars on top and below the video. It is tested.
Of course Apple has considered this aspect.

You can't please all the peeps all the time, so they aim to please the majority. Which is what they've achieved.

And what was that majority view ? Not play HD videos full screen ?? I dont believe this !!
augustya said:
And what was that majority view ? Not play HD videos full screen ?? I dont believe this !!

With all due respect, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not......it is what it is. Personally I don't have a problem with it, maybe as time goes on well have 20,000 posts in this thread agreeing with you but at the moment we don't.

The Archangel
16:9 is for Tv. Most movies still Show Bars on such aTV.

And you can wach 1080p Movies in full of it's glory on a Retina Display.

The iPad can handle better Resolution than BlueRay :p
Consider this, HD video is 1920x1080 pixels. New Retina display is 2048x1536 pixels. A high def image actually would fit in a window on the new screen. The fact that there are black bars is irrelevant as to whether this is a high def image.
Nope In all likelyhood the one's that I mentioned Samsung Galaxy Tab and Asus Transformer Prime, they already have a 16:9 orientation so a movie shot in whatever orienatation (most of the Full HD videos use a 16:9 or 16:10 orientation at the most) definitely plays full screen and not with bars on top and below the video. It is tested.

Most movies actually have a greater ratio than 16:9 (1.78:1). I have a large blu-ray/dvd collection all scanned on to hard drives so I can stream them over my network. There are many, many movies shot with 2.35:1 or greater. You will still see black bars on a Prime or Tab display. I have an Android tablet too and it has a wide screen display. It is way less useful for most of what I do on my tablets and I still get black bars. The image on an iPad is plenty good enough to see and is still way better than most phones.

Like I said...you can get an Android tablet if watching movies is so important to you. No harm done. I have both and I prefer to use the iPad, still. I almost ordered the Prime (had it on pre-order) but Asus really screwed up that tablet by not including any RF windows in the all-metal back (like you have on the iPad) so the wifi, gps, and blue-tooth antennas are all compromised...Apple, for all their faults, simply would not have made that mistake. I expect the next version of the Prime - the one with the 1080p screen, will solve this problem. So you can get that one and be happy.
The aspect ratio of the screen hasn't been changed. Why would you think it would be any different?? The resolution has been greatly improved but that has nothing to do with the screens over all shape.
Yeah Apple isn't interested in 16:9 because that's not what people, in general, want/need from their tablets. You can best believe Apple has the most extensive focus groups in the world answer these types of questions. If it were a "need", Apple would change the screen size which is what would be needed for 16:9. The iPad screen is, by design, 4:3. Why would you have expected 16:9 implementation in a device that didn't change shape?
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Yeah Apple isn't interested in 16:9 because that's not what people, in general, want/need from their tablets. You can best believe Apple has the most extensive focus groups in the world answer these types of questions. If it were a "need", Apple would change the screen size which is what would be needed for 16:9. The iPad screen is, by design, 4:3. Why would you have expected 16:9 implementation in a device that didn't change shape?

Unless Apple has drastically changed, they don't use focus groups:

Steve Jobs on why Apple doesn’t use focus groups*|*Edible Apple

The screen is what it is because Apple decided that it's best that way, and if that doesn't work for someone, there are always other tablet options to consider.
augustya said:
Nope In all likelyhood the one's that I mentioned Samsung Galaxy Tab and Asus Transformer Prime, they already have a 16:9 orientation so a movie shot in whatever orienatation (most of the Full HD videos use a 16:9 or 16:10 orientation at the most) definitely plays full screen and not with bars on top and below the video. It is tested.

I have a letter boxed copy of Ben Hur.It has an aspect ratio of 2.66 to 1,any 16x9 (1.78to1)screen will show significant letter boxing.
This makes me ask one another question to achieve a 16:9 would they have had to change the screen size like go from 9.7 Inch to 10+ or something ? Can 16:9 Orientation not be achieved in the present screen size of the iPad-3 ?

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