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Welcome to the iPad 3 Forum!


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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With all the rumors really starting to circulate through the interwebs we felt it was time to open a section dedicated to the next generation and rumored iPad 3. So who's ready to upgrade?? :)
Seems like the ipad3 is soon to be here. USAToday said maybe next Month And Larger screen,as if it,s really needed.
I'm on the fence about upgrading. I have an iPad 2 and love it. I'd consider upgrading if they came out with the rumored 7"-ish iPad. That would lighten my load and the small screen would suit my uses. I'd have to try it out first for sure.
I am new to ipad2 as I only got mine in October so if I did a trade in can I transfer all my data that I have on my ipad2 to ipad3 as my apps and ebooks I have bought etc? If so how is this done???
I hear its going to be 20 percent smaller as for the display screen and a battery to charge which will make the price go up:(. I think it is the most expensive tablet on the market now how much more $$$$ when they are starting 499.99 for the ipad2...:(
I have read most of the news and th e latest news says that iPad 3 is going to launch in the first week of MArch. I thing this is to become true, as if you have noticed that most of the Apple products have launched in the month of March...
I'll buy one because I waited long enough and didn't have much luck with the iPhone 4s. So I'm betting the house on finding everything I want in the iPad3
Now that I got my refund for the 4s, I have a few hundred bucks ready to spend and by cutting out my weekly steak, I should have enough to buy the iPad 3 with 64GB and 3G/4G??? with my wife's permission:D

With all the rumors really starting to circulate through the interwebs we felt it was time to open a section dedicated to the next generation and rumored iPad 3. So who's ready to upgrade?? :)
I'll buy one because I waited long enough and didn't have much luck with the iPhone 4s. So I'm betting the house on finding everything I want in the iPad3
Now that I got my refund for the 4s, I have a few hundred bucks ready to spend and by cutting out my weekly steak, I should have enough to buy the iPad 3 with 64GB and 3G/4G??? with my wife's permission:D

Looks like you have to go through the capital expenditure request (wife ) as well! Mind you, mine was easy. All I said is that she can have my iPad 2!
Just got my iPad2 about 6-months ago.... So will wait a little time... Maybe give my 8- year grandson my iP2....then get my iP3...

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Just got my iPad2 about 6-months ago.... So will wait a little time... Maybe give my 8- year grandson my iP2....then get my iP3...

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Sounds like an idea. To be honest i don't let my two daughters near my iPad 2! When I get the 3 and give the 2 to my wife, I'm sure they will be using it!
I've read the specs (now that they've been released) on the new iPad and while it's tempting I'm thinking I'll just stay with my old original iPad that I bought at a VERY reduced price right after the iPad 2 was announced. I just got a new Droid 4 with 4GLTE and there is a lapdock for that which includes a 14" monitor and keyboard. Including the cost of the phone it's still cheaper for me to go that route and then I feel I'd have the best of both worlds.
Still Ipad2 is my baby. I guess the features are just the same as well as Ipad2. Consistency, application, Fast browsing it's all in Ipad2. Ipad 2 cost too much and I guess that's the reason why I wanted to stick to my gadget:eek:.
So what's good about a forum if there is no exchange, ya'll just making statements. I'm looking to hear any issue, pros or cons, I have an iPad 1 and want to upgrade...

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