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Viewing pics from email

bryan sands

iPF Noob
Mar 17, 2012
Reaction score
I am having issues viewing jpeg pics frm my yahoo account. Any ideas how I can view them and maybe even save them to my iPad 2? Thanks.
Try signing into your yahoo! from the Safari browser, instead of the email/app etc. This worked for my gmail. Then, once you have the pic in email; you should be able to open/save it to your photo album. When you press on the pic, an option to "save" or "copy" (?) should appear. (I am without my iPad a this moment, so I cannot be absolutely certain.)
dbark1 said:
Try signing into your yahoo! from the Safari browser, instead of the email/app etc. This worked for my gmail. Then, once you have the pic in email; you should be able to open/save it to your photo album. When you press on the pic, an option to "save" or "copy" (?) should appear. (I am without my iPad a this moment, so I cannot be absolutely certain.)

Thank you

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