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Very first Android phone, and loving it!!!


iPF Noob
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
Pembroke Township, Illinois
Hi all!
I'm a truck driver from the upper midwest, just a bit south of Chicago, IL, and recently bought my first truly advanced phone. It is totally awesome!!! Playing Dream Zoo so far, but sure that as I discover more stuff I'll be expanding it.
I'm married, have 2 horses, 3 dogs, 8 cats and two BRAND NEW kittens (not desired, but she got out.....), live in the middle of nowhere on an old farmstead, and would love to make some new friends who can help me discover just what my phone can do.
It's a Virgin Mobile LG, not sure of the model (no, I'm NOT tech savvy, but it was the $129 phone at Best Buy) but it is a full Android. Not real sure how to work all the apps, and I am NOT too proud to ask for help from all you kids out there who grew up with this stuff. I'm a child of the 60's, so the only computer I had contact with in school was a terminal that connected by a land line telephone to a bank of towers located in a basement in a nearby city. So old school you fed a long strip of paper into it with holes punched to work it, lol.
Anyway, would love to meet new friends and neighbors!
Nice intro, Spikemagoo!

Welcome to the iPadForum! This forum is loaded with invaluable information which contain many sections that cover the iPad *App Store, Help, General Discussion, Accessories, Ipad Education and Business. The iPadForum also includes a Regional Ipad Group for international users across the world. See here: http://www.ipadforums.net/forumindex.php

If you have not already, please take a moment to download the iPad Manual User Guide iOS 5. This is extremely helpful if you are new to the iPad world. http://manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/ipad_user_guide.pdf

Finally, please read the rules:

Best Wishes and Enjoy!
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Maybe he and his Android fell asleep next to a pod. ;)

And welcome to the forum. :)


Admiral.....you make me laugh so much with your pics!! Time for me to take a break!!
Welcome, glad you like the Android, but this is perhaps not the place to delve into just how great Android phones are. I have a few and I am pleased.

Forget the darn kiddles and ask away. They only think they know much. Unless it is posted in real time to MyBook, FaceySpaces or TwitterMyFaceSpace Book, they do not know skittles.

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