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Using webdav for students to hand in work via iPad


iPF Noob
Jan 31, 2012
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I'm looking at using a WebDAV folder for students to hand in work. Problem is you have to open the folder to save the file. This of course shows all students each others files. Anyone got a true write only folder working using WebDAV?


I'm looking at using a WebDAV folder for students to hand in work. Problem is you have to open the folder to save the file. This of course shows all students each others files. Anyone got a true write only folder working using WebDAV?


You could use BarracudaDrive and the following plugin, which is specifically designed to solve your problem:

Note: you probably want to enable the option: filter=true
It’s awesome to see how you’re having students create work on the iPad!
For teachers who are looking for a super easy to use service to facilitate assignment or project file workflow between themselves and students, we’ve created a service called Showbie. With Showbie, teachers setup a class and assignments. They invite students to the class by giving the students a class code that links the student with all the assignments in the class once the student joins Showbie. This gives students each and assignment drop folder where they can upload work from their laptop via our website, or through WebDav. If you’re a teacher or student and on the iPad in an app like Pages or Keynote, you can easily save work into your Showbie assignment folder by putting in the Showbie server URL -------------------- and then entering your Showbie login and password. Going forward, you won’t need to put in these credentials unless you log out of the webdav connection.
If you have any questions or want to check us out head over to showbie.com!
Founder, Showbie.com
Learning Happens Everywhere
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