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Useful apps disappearing from app store?


iPF Noob
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, UK
A friend accidentally deleted Process Killer (PKiller) but cannot reinstall it as it seems to have been removed from the app store. I still have this app but a search of the app store or my list of apps draws a blank. Fortunately, so far, it is still working on my iPad.

Today I watched the BBC TV program 'Click' and the app Clueful was demonstrated. It looks a good idea for checking what information other apps are using and sending without the users knowledge but I can't find it on the app store.

Both probably good examples of apps which slipped through Apple's approval process but were later picked up as breaking their strict rules. Apps which integrate with the OS (e.g. to kill other apps) or snoop on other apps (which would seem to be the case with Clueful, from your description) are a no-no as far as Apple are concerned.

You should always keep you apps synced with iTunes and make sure you keep a backup in case you delete them (and of course don't go "accidentally" deleting stuff anyway!). Sounds like you are OK in that respect for PKiller.
There is no legitimate way to get these apps back on your device if they have been removed from both the device and your PC to which the device is synced, and they are no longer available on the App store. Sorry :(
I found the Clueful (written by Bitdefender) Facebook page.
They say they are working with Apple and hope to have the app back soon.
I can imagine a few large companies not liking the idea of an app which shows users exactly what information they are gathering.


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