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iPF Noob
Mar 20, 2012
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I have the original iPad. I'm getting messages when I try to do something that I need ios 4. I have no idea about up grades or up dates. Can't download a calculator.
JohnTroutman said:
I have the original iPad. I'm getting messages when I try to do something that I need ios 4. I have no idea about up grades or up dates. Can't download a calculator.

Hi John and welcome to the Forum!

Tap on your Settings app and go to General then look at the top and press About, look down the list and you'll find Version, let us know what it says here and we can then guide you on how to do your updates.

I have deleted your other thread on this issue, it becomes confusing for other members and is against Forum Rules.

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Sorry for the delay. 3.2.1 is the version. I was going along fine till I tried to download a calculator and was told I needed version 4. I had no idea there were updates. I tried plugging into itunes and following prompts but it syncs form hours to no avail. Thanks for anynhelp you can offer.
JohnTroutman said:
Sorry for the delay. 3.2.1 is the version. I was going along fine till I tried to download a calculator and was told I needed version 4. I had no idea there were updates. I tried plugging into itunes and following prompts but it syncs form hours to no avail. Thanks for anynhelp you can offer.

Well that is a museum piece, you'll need to upgrade to iOS 5.1. First of all make sure that your version of iTunes on your computer is the very latest. Then try to upgrade again.

The Archangel
Put latest iTunes in but waited hours at BACKING UP JOHNSIPAD with the bar not moving. Canceled after 4 hours.
Put latest iTunes in but waited hours at BACKING UP JOHNSIPAD with the bar not moving. Canceled after 4 hours.

Depending on how much stuff is on your iPad and if you've not backed up in ages, a backup can take many hours.
JohnTroutman said:
Put latest iTunes in but waited hours at BACKING UP JOHNSIPAD with the bar not moving. Canceled after 4 hours.

Have you done regular backups on your iPad to iTunes? If you haven't done this it will take quite a long time to do if you have a lot of apps etc on your iPad.
We had another member recently who was upgrading their iPad from version 3. It's a huge process to jump up across so many updates and he was given some advice from one of our very knowledgeable Moderators, have a look
Let it run all night and no go. I wish apple had notified me about the upgrades. Maybe it was in the news but I never saw it on my screen. I really am ok with 3.2.1 but would like a calculator. I take it that restore would get me 5.1 at the cost of whatever I have loaded now. Thanks for your help
Do you have many apps and have they ever been backed up? The time it takes for the ipad to backup is dependent on what you have on your ipad. You will need the latest version of iTunes installed and it's a good idea to disable your virus protection and/or firewall? If you haven't I suggest you try the backup again as not disabling this could lead to it timing out. I'm hoping this is what has happened. If this works now, you can still try and update and hope for the best, otherwise you will need to restore.
Let us know how you go.

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