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Trouble with iTunes "Add Folder to Library" for iBooks (PDFs)


iPF Noob
Hello All, anyone had luck adding a Folder to iTunes for iBooks? I have a folder, "My eBooks", that contains PDFs and I have used the iTunes option File->Add Folder to Library (while I have iBooks selected on left pane) and nothing happens. I can add files individually however I do not see any result when I add a Folder. I have restarted iTunes to see if it would pick it up but no luck. I noticed that when I moved the folder, iTunes complained that it had moved so it knew something about it...

Running iTunes 9.2 on Win7.

Love my iPad!!!!

Thanks in advance,
Not sure what your trouble is.... when you check the "recently added" playlist, are they there? The fact that iTunes complains when you move a folder, tells me you do not have the "Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library" checked in preferences... which is fine if thats the way you want it.... Have you synced your iPad since adding the books to see if they show up?

I'm stabbing in the dark here, this is one of those things that normally "just works".... :)
Hello Bremen, and thanks for the reply. I did NOT have "Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library" checked in preferences so I turned that on. Re-added the folder, and still nothing. The PDFs do not show up in the "Recently Added" playlist. I jsut Sync'd again and still nothing.

I have successfully used this feature to add music to iTunes but it seems to be broken for iBooks. Have you had success?

Alteratively, I could put the PDFs in the native iBook folder however I don't see it on my hard drive.

Thanks, Michael
You know what? I can't ether .... :D

My guess is that it is not set up to do it yet, perhaps the next update....

But, it is simple to just "add file to library" and select all the PDF's in the folder... it will import them all at one time that way.....
Just an old memory! Some PDF documents could be locked hard. Others can be simply allowed in the property dialog box
not sure what the issue is,. it worked for me? the only thing is the PDF's only appear in the books part of iTunes! also check the PDFs don't have extra .PDF extensions. mine had two for some reason and this was stopping them from being recognised.
Maybe I don't understand the question, but there is already a Books "folder" in my Library in iTunes:


All of my iBooks stuff is in there, both books I have purchased (which is very few) and all of my .pdf's.
Maybe the iTunes update fixed the problem, I don't know because I use Dropbox for my PDF's.... but it would make sense that the last update fixed it....
My iTunes is and I believe it did come concurrently with the iBooks release. Probably the only thing I really like about iBooks is that if you want to store your .pdf's locally and not on a cloud, all you have to do is copy them from your folder (yeah, I am still a Windows person... for now!) and paste them into iTunes and there they are!
Hello All, anyone had luck adding a Folder to iTunes for iBooks? I have a folder, "My eBooks", that contains PDFs and I have used the iTunes option File->Add Folder to Library (while I have iBooks selected on left pane) and nothing happens. I can add files individually however I do not see any result when I add a Folder. I have restarted iTunes to see if it would pick it up but no luck. I noticed that when I moved the folder, iTunes complained that it had moved so it knew something about it...

Running iTunes 9.2 on Win7.

Love my iPad!!!!

Thanks in advance,
Hi, mjgillen. I am new to IPAD 2, but am still facing the problem that you had experienced some time ago. Did you get it resolved? I succeeded to copy pdf ebooks into iTunes, but not the entire folder. Any hint?

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