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Tones sync


iPF Noob
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, hello! I'm new on "i" world and I just bought my first i-gadget, the new iPad. Well, I don't know if this is an issue just of the 3rd gen, but actually I can sync music (mp3), video and apps with my iPad via iTunes... BUT when I try to sync ringtones/tones (I've found a good mario bros one *--*), iTunes just shows up a forever-syncing-icon (image below) and I never find the "uploaded" tone at Settings > Geral > Sounds =////... Am I doing something wrong or what? I appreciate your help! Thank you!

***the tones I tried are in .m4r format

Right click on the file and choose Get Info. See if it looks something like this. I think the sample rate is more important than the bit rate.


You could also try deleting the file, then adding to iTunes again, to see if that helps.
Thanks twerppot! I found what was wrong... It appears that iDevices doesn't support manually transfers of Tones (just of tones, because musics and videos were working fine to me). So I had to check the automatically sync mode, and it's working now. Thank you

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