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Time Names Tim Cook a Titan in its 1OO Most Influential People List


iPadForums News Team
Tim Cook.webp

Time has today published its annual 100 Most Influential People List, and has included Apple CEO Tim Cook as one of those 100 people, naming him in the “Titans” category alongside the likes of Lee Daniels, Kanye West, and Mellody Hobson.

Cook’s profile in the list, which is titled “A courageous innovator,” was written by civil rights leader and Democratic Congressman from Georgia, John Lewis.

Lewis notes that stepping into the shadow of the late Steve Jobs could not have been easy for Cook, “but with grace and courage and an unabashed willingness to be his own man, Tim has pushed Apple to unimaginable profitability—and greater social responsibility.”

“Above all, he has shown that profitability and integrity can go hand in hand,” concluded Lewis. “Tim has done this while introducing, time and again, some of the most innovative products the world has ever seen. Tim Cook is proof that even the most successful companies can and should be judged by more than just their bottom line.”

Source: http://time.com/3822599/tim-cook-2015-time-100/

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