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This is too funny - CNN says Android sucks in the real world

I have been telling people for a half year that Google Android is a world of hurt and few would listen.

Some 'fandroids' got down right vicious so I gave up.

I don't care. I have a life beyond tinkering with Android phones or Microwaves.

The bottom line is that all it is just another version of Linux mixed with a chunk of proprietary code from Google and a BABEL of hardware from all over the world.
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Funny how it basically missed the boat completely. The real reason android is less viable is the market...there is NO oversite, which means anything can be added to it, including viruses and scams. Most apps cripple the device and most updates break working apps. I have a droid and had high hopes, as a phone it's great, as a streaming media player it is quite good, navigation is excellent, but that's about where it ends, browsing is a chore, texting is painful, and the os as was mentioned in the article gradually gets bogged down by adding software.

Android is NOT suitable for netbooks or tablet computers since it is so incredibly lacking in 3rd party support.

As much as I love google, I think it's the android hacker community that h contributed the most to the os as a whole.
I've enjoyed watching the contrarians who proclaim that they are getting an Android phone after sneering at my iPhone. Several of them have turned up later with an iPhone quietly replacing their Android. And the rest never brag about their phone, but instead hesitantly pull them out when they need to schedule a meeting or check their email. The embarrassment is palpable.
I have been telling people for a half year that Google Android is a world of hurt and few would listen.

Some 'fandroids' got down right vicious so I gave up.

I don't care. I have a life beyond tinkering with Android phones or Microwaves.

The bottom line is that all it is just another version of Linux mixed with a chunk of proprietary code from Google and a BABEL of hardware from all over the world.

It's a shame that the world doesn't pay attention to you more often!
Don't get me wrong, I still think android is the only os that really has the potential to take on apple os....but its just not there yet.
What too many have not figured out is why Apple is so controlling. This is a prime reason. It may be fustrating, but the limits of devices have to be respected. Other manufacturers can allow all the apps they want, but Apple is king because they make sure the experience is consistent.
What too many have not figured out is why Apple is so controlling. This is a prime reason. It may be fustrating, but the limits of devices have to be respected. Other manufacturers can allow all the apps they want, but Apple is king because they make sure the experience is consistent.

Exactly...while android is an "open" market, all iPad/iPhone apps actually work!

The other huge problem is that the ease in which an android user can steal from the app store! There is actually an app in the market that is a repo of paid apps in the market!!! You can also buy an app, cancel the order, and grab the image off the device to later reinstall it...this scares away any real developers from the market and it becomes just a den of amateur apps, spam, scams and porn...yay, that has a future!
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Well I have to take up for my droid. I have both dogs in this fight and no favorite.

In regards to text size it is often small because it can be small. Because it is so readible. Bottom line is that the screen resolution on something on my droid is so much better than the apple its not funny. Text is easier to read by a significant margin. Truth.

Speed. My droid is slower than the apple. And it will slow to a crawl....if you don't clear the app caches now and again. Do that and you're fine. Droid miltitasks apple does not. There is a speed penalty to pay but not like the article suggests.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Gotta say. I've had an iPhone and still have an iPod touch but my droid works great. Love it more then I did my iPhone. So not everyone shares that opinion.

Just glad we have competition in the market.
Gotta say. I've had an iPhone and still have an iPod touch but my droid works great. Love it more then I did my iPhone. So not everyone shares that opinion.

Just glad we have competition in the market.

Well like I've said, i love my droid, but the market is a mess.
I have the droid and it is a awesome phone. I have it overclocked to 1.2ghz so its blazing fast.

This is another flaw in the droid...while everyone that owns an iPad has the same apple produced a4 processor, who knows what is in the droid. I can't get mine to boot over 900mhz while others have theirs at 1.3 ghz..I don't understand, you would think the hardware would be consistent.
I have the droid and it is a awesome phone. I have it overclocked to 1.2ghz so its blazing fast.

This is another flaw in the droid...while everyone that owns an iPad has the same apple produced a4 processor, who knows what is in the droid. I can't get mine to boot over 900mhz while others have theirs at 1.3 ghz..I don't understand, you would think the hardware would be consistent.

Mine is can't boot at 1.3ghz. Try different kernals. I would try the Adamz kernals.
I have the droid and it is a awesome phone. I have it overclocked to 1.2ghz so its blazing fast.

This is another flaw in the droid...while everyone that owns an iPad has the same apple produced a4 processor, who knows what is in the droid. I can't get mine to boot over 900mhz while others have theirs at 1.3 ghz..I don't understand, you would think the hardware would be consistent.

Mine is can't boot at 1.3ghz. Try different kernals. I would try the Adamz kernals.

Been there done that...I did everything on my droid manually, and anything above 900mhz locks it at the boot screen...honestly I've stopped caring, I've done nothing but use my droid to stream audio and tether to my iPad since I got it.

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