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The New iPad is Found to Have 1GB of RAM, Double That of the iPad 2


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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It’s too early for any teardowns of the new iPad just yet, what with the new iPad not actually being available for the tear-downers to take to pieces until next Friday, but The Verge has heard from a source that the A5X processor in the new iPad has double the amount of RAM than the iPad 2 – 1GB, to be exact. Apple doesn’t usually comment on the amount of RAM in its devices, but The Verge says that the original iPad was found to have just 256MB of RAM, and the iPad 2 500MB of RAM. AppleInsider says that the iPhone 4S also has 500MB of RAM. The fact that the new iPad has 1GB of RAM makes it even more impressive that it has the same battery life as the iPad 2, as AppleInsider notes that previously, concerns over battery life had placed limitations on the amount of RAM in the iPad’s processor chip. Presumably we’ll find out more over the next few days on how Apple managed to achieve this.

Source: Sources: Apple's new iPad makes the leap to 1GB of RAM | The Verge
A5X chip in Apple's new iPad doubles RAM to 1GB - report
I am shocked they are stating 9 hours of LTE with a 3.1 MP display, quad core GPU and 1 Gig of RAM. I realize they upped the battery from 25 Whr to 42.5 Whr but this is simply beyond impressive if it holds up in real world testing.

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