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Star walk will not work


iPF Noob
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
I can not get my star walk app to work. When I click on the app it just goes back to the menu. Can someone help solve this probllem
rcarraher said:
I can not get my star walk app to work. When I click on the app it just goes back to the menu. Can someone help solve this probllem

Sounds like you need to shutdown background apps. Double tap home key, icons appear at bottom of screen. Press one until it begins to wobble and a red mins sign appears on all icons in the task bar. Press the minus signs on all icons so they disappear. This closes, not deletes apps. Once all are closed try skywalk agin.
Yes it is a iPad 1

First of all, you need to update your version of OS you run now. On 5.1 it works!
If it didn't work, then I would advise you to wait for the next release within next week.
I here that the updates of the IOS on the ipad1 render the iPad nearly inoperative.
I here that the updates of the IOS on the ipad1 render the iPad nearly inoperative.

The latest iOS upgrade (5.1) got my iPads 1 and 2 working great again, as if new. The previous upgrades (5 and 5.0.1) led to frequent RAM crashes.
Is the 5.1 iOS the latest update from iTunes, when was it released?
Is updating to iOS 5.1 the only option, I fear this will cause my iPad too slow down and sites to crash.
rcarraher said:
Is updating to iOS 5.1 the only option, I fear this will cause my iPad too slow down and sites to crash.

If you want to use this app you will need to upgrade and it has been reported by many members that this update makes the ipad1 more stable with fewer crashes.

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