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stabile ipad stand

Take a look at my company's product, the Articulating eazel. It lets you position your iPad anywhere in 3D space with the screen angled for optimum viewing. And yes, it is very stable.

Man I can't tell you how long I've been looking for something like this. I like to watch videos in my recliner and nothing I've seen yet works for me. Your website doesn't list any price or date when it will be available. .???
Robert, I'm not sure if its allowed for me to answer your questions directly. It was suggested that I PM you so I will do that. Thanks for asking about it.
Yup, picked up the modulR starter package, includes the case, a slim mount, and quick stand. Use it down at the station to watch Netflix in our dorms. The stand is great, just make sure you don't put it on backwards! Anyway, I love it, a bunch of the guys just ordered it, looking forward to the car mount:)
I have the Targus Truss Case and i have no complaints about it whatsoever. very protective of my iPad and it also works as a very nice stand.

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