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((Space and Science))


iPF Noob
Jan 4, 2012
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...and all the wonderful things in our universe!

Anyway figure I'd start a thread for this and other general science-y discussions about science and space and the like. I'm also new to the ipf so I figure this would be a good way to start my adventures in the forums

Lets start the discussion off!

Been seeing a lot of 2012 nonsense lately, what do YOU think about this? In all honesty a cataclysmic event would do our earth some good (if there are survivors that is) . It would be a way to start over and work toward the betterment of society and hopefully unite us as a species. A global community.

[Discuss: apocalypse, space, science]
Global communities cannot work, we cannot and will never live as one. As a species we will eventually kill the planet, or the planet will kill us, we cannot keep taking as we do without first thinking of the damage we cause by doing so.

I'll leave it at that for now, and look forward to what arguments are put forward for what somebody foresaw many years before, or so we are led to believe.
I think the idea of a utopian society, which a "global community" suggests, is a terrible thing we should never strive for unless we desire to kill the entire planet and ourselves with it.
The USA is a soverign nation (at the moment) and I hope it stays that way. I've seen what the rest of the world is offering and F a global community.
All this 2012 business is a load of rubbish. Search 'professor Brian Cox on 2012' on youtube and hear it from the man himself!
I personally feel that world with no religion and only buddhism like virtues would be the best world to live in.
A human race united, and not blinded by fear, hate and lies would be my perfect world. But that's moving in a different direction, and a few people probably won't like my thoughts about that.

As far as space and the universe goes, I'm absolutely fascinated by it. I had posters of planets and the solar system on my wall as a kid, and countless books.
My biggest ambition is to go to space one day. I'm only in my early twenties, if you can book to go up now, I think in 30 years time it will be quite common. I'm really looking forward to the future and the further development in technology!
I personally feel that world with no religion and only buddhism like virtues would be the best world to live in.
A human race united, and not blinded by fear, hate and lies would be my perfect world. But that's moving in a different direction, and a few people probably won't like my thoughts about that.

Don't worry mikeos, no one here will persecute you for your beliefs, I personally will see to that. Your thoughts on a perfect world are ideal, they would be an exceptional alternative to what we have now. Buddhism would be a very peaceful way to go, but having said that, any religion would be peaceful if it wasn't for the extremists we find in each one!

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