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Sound? I've lost my sound! Help! Please


iPF Noob
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Birmingham, Al, USA
Not sure what is going on with my iPad. I can play music from the iPod app - hear sounds from YouTube videos. I cannot hear any sounds from games like Angry Birds or Trucks & Skulls or my keyboard clicks (which are all set to ON for sound). Any suggestions for somewhere I can look? It must be something dumb or simple I have done.... Thanks for any info!

OK - I'm sure you checked you've not accidentally activated Mute - since some games mute the audio when the Mute function is activated. You're an experienced user so you'll know the Mute function is either a hard switch or soft switch. Given all those check out, how about a reboot?

Is your iPad in a dock? Does the problem persist if you connect a headset?

Thanks for replying Tim! No, the mute button was not the issue. Yes, I had turned it off/ on, but.... You were right about the headphone - when they are connected I hear the Angry Birds! What have I done?

OK - do you have a version of iOS which has a re-assignable Mute function - i.e. to the soft control? OK - just wanted to be sure, don't get mad....:(

I would then try a power-off, power-on reset - it really does cure so many problems.

Beyond that, I'm starting to run out of ideas...

Hey... I would never get mad!! Not that kind of girl!!! The iPad shows the version as 4.3.5 (8L1) a does that tell you anything? Thanks for your help!
OK - so you've got a version of iOS that has a re-assignable Mute switch. Double press the Home button to open the multi-task bar, flick the screen to the right and see what the button on the very left of the screen in the multi-task bar is assigned to. It's possible it's been set to the Mute switch here (because, with this version of the operating system you can change the allocation of Mute from the hard switch next to the volume control to the soft switch in the multi-task bar. That change can be made in the 'Settings' menu and some Members have found they've 'accidentally' switched the function from hard to soft switch. Hence the hard switch would then control the orientation lock instead.

The mute function leaves the headphone connection unaffected so that's why, even with Mute set (if, indeed, it is) you can still hear the games via the headphones.

OK - if I've made a big mistake here and it's not the Mute function (a) forgive me and (b) we'll try some other things....thanks for your patience...

Tim! You need your superman pic back out there!!!! For sure YOU are my hero! That WAS it! All sounds seem to be back! That was the one place I never looked (double clicking the home button...nothing showed in settings). Thank you so very much. Can't stand for anything to be wrong with my iPad!

I love this forum!
Tim is our hero to be sure.

Thanks so much, Tim! I had the same problem today after doing a reset and was about to go mad trying to figure out what went wrong. You're my hero of the day for sure! :)
OK - so you've got a version of iOS that has a re-assignable Mute switch. Double press the Home button to open the multi-task bar, flick the screen to the right and see what the button on the very left of the screen in the multi-task bar is assigned to. It's possible it's been set to the Mute switch here (because, with this version of the operating system you can change the allocation of Mute from the hard switch next to the volume control to the soft switch in the multi-task bar. That change can be made in the 'Settings' menu and some Members have found they've 'accidentally' switched the function from hard to soft switch. Hence the hard switch would then control the orientation lock instead.

The mute function leaves the headphone connection unaffected so that's why, even with Mute set (if, indeed, it is) you can still hear the games via the headphones.

OK - if I've made a big mistake here and it's not the Mute function (a) forgive me and (b) we'll try some other things....thanks for your patience...


Thanks, tim that solution worked for me as well.

Sent from my iPad2 using the iPF App

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