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Some apple double talk.


iPF Noob
Feb 13, 2010
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Remember when Apple stuck those jokey crappy cameras into the ipad2 and said ' no one will use iPads for pic taking too clumsy' now with the iPad 3 it's, 'people will be about town taking pictures with the wonderful camera on the iPad 3 gen.' what kind of double talk is this? They should apologize for duping everyone into buying ipad2's with those uber crappy cameras. What we need more than a super high Rez screen is the ability to go into our own file systems without having to jailbreak. Apple please let us do as we please with our purchased idevices! The iPad will be no more than a consumption device while they continue to lockdown the operating system , indeed just a toy! I own an iPad and an iPhone 4 and an ASUS prime . I love that prime. Gee, it actually has a file explorer! How I missed being the master of my own system. Oh and ASUS actually supplies an app that roots ( jailbreaks to ios people)the prime for owners. Nice of them eh Apple?
I don't really see people taking pictures with the iPad just because of it's awkward size, a phone or actual camera is more likely. I would think if they improved either of the lenses it would be the one on the front for skyping/facetime.
It's called progress. No camera on the iPad 1. People said they wanted one. Lores cameras on the iPad 2, and still the complaints came in. So now people have what they've been asking for, but wait... the 4s has an 8mp camera. How many people will be clamoring for that one, while never actually taking a picture.

The file system works well for people who have no idea what a file system is. The iPad is a fine piece of equipment for those who have no idea about computer systems, and less interest in finding out. It works out of the box, and for the market it is pitched at, that's good enough.
Well apple is now selling the iPad as a creative device. But they are behaving as though it is a consumption device. A creative device like a pc one has complete control of, a consumption device one is given no control of it because the
Makers of the device see it as a cash creation vehicle and they don't want any one tinkering with it , eh?so which is it apple, a creative device or a consumption device ? I dont want to own a device that limits me to consumption. That is why I went against my love affair with apple and bought an ASUas Prime yesterday. The iPad , as long as it is locked down the way it is , will just be a higher priced kindle fire. No, I gotta have more control . Progress ? Tht makes no sense , good cameras had already been created and installed by others in tablets . So it is not about progress. It is about it consumption of apple products and apps and movies . Why would they want to give you a great creative device like a decent camera when you are supposed to be using the iPad for consumption not creativity purposes? You all know I am right . Just think about it.
Lenny-I am trying to understand your point to all of this. Especially now that you have just purchased an Asus prime yesterday.

What is your purpose?
I thought about it. My mother-in-law has an iPad. Trying to sort out her laptop over the phone is a nightmare. My kid has an iPod touch. The user interface is enough for such people. Believe it or not, there are people who just want to use the thing, not tinker with it.
The iPad is a consumption device, for the majority of buyers. In fact, so are most PCs. The fact that Linux has such a poor uptake in spite of the number of people who "hate" Windows is evidence of that.
lennywc said:
Remember when Apple stuck those jokey crappy cameras into the ipad2 and said ' no one will use iPads for pic taking too clumsy' now with the iPad 3 it's, 'people will be about town taking pictures with the wonderful camera on the iPad 3 gen.' what kind of double talk is this? They should apologize for duping everyone into buying ipad2's with those uber crappy cameras. What we need more than a super high Rez screen is the ability to go into our own file systems without having to jailbreak. Apple please let us do as we please with our purchased idevices! The iPad will be no more than a consumption device while they continue to lockdown the operating system , indeed just a toy! I own an iPad and an iPhone 4 and an ASUS prime . I love that prime. Gee, it actually has a file explorer! How I missed being the master of my own system. Oh and ASUS actually supplies an app that roots ( jailbreaks to ios people)the prime for owners. Nice of them eh Apple?

What difference does it make given all these improvements came with no addded costs, the price are the same, and the ipad 2 which is a quality tablet is now even offered at a lower price. And no disrespect, to compare a clone like asus to apple is simply taking the biscuit, desperate much

RIP Steve Jobs 
KevinJS said:
It's called progress. No camera on the iPad 1. People said they wanted one. Lores cameras on the iPad 2, and still the complaints came in. So now people have what they've been asking for, but wait... the 4s has an 8mp camera. How many people will be clamoring for that one, while never actually taking a picture.

The file system works well for people who have no idea what a file system is. The iPad is a fine piece of equipment for those who have no idea about computer systems, and less interest in finding out. It works out of the box, and for the market it is pitched at, that's good enough.

Agreed. The iPad sells so well because it's NOT overly techie and doesn't require much computer knowledge at all. That's what the people want. To us, navigating file systems or whatever sounds as routine as brushing your teeth but to a great many people it doesn't mean a darned thing. People are better computer users these days but most still just want to pick it up and do stuff. Period.

As for the camera, the camera on the 2 was kind of silly but I knew that going in. The specs were clearly stated and I understood that it would be basically useless. It does take very good video though.
I concur with s2mikey, both my son and I have an iPad 2 and he's a professional (pc) techno guy, and I used to be. We still use our pc for a lot of things and it is fun to tweak, but as somebody earlier in this thread stated, the iPad just works. I had an Archos tablet and it died short of two years and I bought an iPad and wished I had done it right first time around. I was thinking about getting an Asus Prime when the Archos died and couldn't get my hands on one. The only viable alternative was the iPad. If someone is concerned they don't have a file manager, well we do, sort of, it's called iTunes, that's our file manager and like everything else on the iPad, it just works. A little differently perhaps, but it's a great machine IMHO.
There is an app that can act as a file manager for the iPad. It is File Explorer. It can connect easyly on WiFi or FTP with Filezilla client and you can tranfered files and folders from or to iPad or computer.
This app is so usefull that i have forgotten my envy to change my iPad for an android tablet.
I never understood why people do this. If you don't like a product then simply don't use it. Use something that suits your needs.
I just bought an iPad 2 for my wife. She is not tech savvy at all, and has no desire to learn techy stuff, but she wanted a tablet.

I decided to get her the iPad because it made sense for her.
I myself have no need for a tablet, but if I did I would probably get an Android, just because I like tinkering and stuff

I run Linux and BSD on my PC, and always had rooted Android phones, with the latest roms flashed on them.

The point I'm trying to make, is why waste the time going on some website and bash the product and the people that are using it.
I would never go to a Windows site and do this, as much as I dislike Windows, just like I would never do it here. It's just childish to say the least.
Any iPad/iPhone = snapshots
Nikon = serious pictures

Apple offers devices that provide convenience and are fairly simple to operate. The vast majority of the population don't want to access the file system on their computer/laptop/mobile device directly and wouldn't know what to do when they did. They want to write and read documents, listen to music, text a friend, send email and play games.

You can jailbreak it and do more and many people do.
Although I may not agree with the OP, I do think a better camera would have been a good thing but alas, It no longer matters because I now carry my 7.1 MP camera with me always, and having got a new smart phone, I think I have got it covered. I do disagree with those who say the iPad is too bulky to take photos and if the camare had been able to produce better quality pics I would not be carrying a camera in my satchel all of the time. I love my iPad. It is my constant companion. It is always within my reach.

Having adapted, I wish you Cheer!


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